Chapter 3: Light Yagami

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"Hm, poor man", I whispered then spit out a cherry seed "he died in such a filthy place". It was night and we were at a different hotel. Aizawa was putting in tape after tape with his sleepy eyes

"That was footage from the station, the death of one of the FBI agents is on here", he groaned pinching the bridge of his nose

"Let's see the following scenes again, Ray Panber passing the ticket gate on his way in then boarding the train and finally when he dies on the platform", Ryu ordered sitting on the couch, eating some ice cream and staring at the screen intensely. Aizawa sighed and went to look for the tape. Matsuda read the records of Penber's actions

"What about the envelope?", I asked and all except Ryuzaki looked at me

"What do you mean?", Aizawa frowned sleepily and Ryu played the tape

"He's holding what seems like an envelope when he passes through the ticket gate", he explained then faster forward the video "but moments before he dies, it's not with him"

"Which means it was left on the train", I added "and if you look closely there, it looks like he's straining to look inside the train before the door close"

"If that's the case, do you think it might mean something?", Yagami asked and I nodded

"Wouldn't it be interesting if Kira was on that train?", Ryu asked

"That's impossible!", he argued and I raised an eyebrow- nothing's impossible

"I'll admit, it's hard to believe as well", Ryu commented "no reason for Kira to come to his own scene of the crime, when he can kill from a distance. Maybe he was counting on use to make that assumption and figured he can get away with such a bold move"

"Or maybe Kira was after the envelope", I suggested and all heads turn to me, including Ryuzaki "Ray Penber left without his envelope, but manages to leave with his brief case. And like you said, Kira wouldn't go to his own scene of the crime.... Unless there was something in that envelope that he needed"

"Hmm", Ryuzaki hummed and took a lick of his ice cream "that could be one explanation.... Someone call in with the FBI and see they know anything about that envelope"

------------------ a few days later....

"You're going to enter that college?", I asked and he nodded "to get closer to Light?"

"Yes Moka", he answered as Watari drove us to the school "don't worry, I believe the exam will be quite easy"

"That's not what I'm worried about....", I mumbled but he didn't hear

"We'll be here, when your exam is done", Watari told Ryuzaki, who nodded then walked into the building.

---------------- a few days after that....

There wasn't a doubt that Ryuzaki couldn't pass that exam. He was the world's renowned detective after all. He mentioned making eye contact with Light Yagami, who from Ryu perspective, sounds like a well mannered put together young man. Anyway, Ryuzaki got in and was tied with Light Yagami. Today was the celebration of those who were accepted. Even though I was supposed to be undercover, Tamotsu made me wear an all black kimono with small flowers. He said, "you can't wear such clothing at a formal event", but there's L with his usual outfit and old shoes. I ate my cherries in silence as we drove in the car. Ryuzaki was silent as well, but I could sense him looking over at me sometimes. This was embarrassing! This is like going out on a date and your father stops you and makes you change into your grandmother's clothes. Well.... This isn't a date, but still....

"Here we are", Watari announced and we got out "I'll be here". Ryuzaki walked ahead and I followed him inside. Luckily, Watari reserved a seat for me in the front, I was able to see.

"Now for the freshman address, freshmen representative Light Yagami", the man announced and a someone stood up- Hm, so this is Light? Ryuzaki described him perfectly "and freshman representative Hideki Ryuga". I suppressed my giggle, because Ryuzaki really used a pop star's name. There was murmurs around and I manage to make out some of them

"Wow they look so different...."

"One looks like he was groomed and the other.... I guess that's what they call a mad genius"

"I think I like that little one on the right.....". I rolled my eyes and ignored the last one. I walked side by side with Ryuzaki and I knew we had to keep it completely professional, but I liked him. To others he was so odd and weird looking, but I found it cute. The way he'd be in deep thought and nibble on his thumb was adorable and I sometimes wondered if I ran my fingers through his hair would it be soft and silky.... I shook my head and paid my attention back to the ceremony

I shouldn't be thinking about this right now, especially if Ryuzaki suspects Light

"Congratulations and welcome freshmen", the principal smiled and everyone applauded, the ceremony was over

"Come along Moka", Ryu said with a smile, making me blush and as we left I heard whispers

"Who is that?"

"Maybe his sister?"

"No way! The look like total opposites!"

'Then step brother and sister?"

Or maybe that's his girlfriend?

I don't believe he can land a cutie like that... I blushed at that last comment, but quickly brushed it off and followed after Ryu. While walking back to the car, Light came into view

"Hey Light", Ryu called causing the young man to stop and I took the few seconds to observe him. There was something up about him that seemed off. It felt like this wave of darkness coming off of him

"Uh, it was nice meeting you", Ryu added in a innocent voice which I found cute

"No, the pleasure was mine", Light replied and I study his stance- defensive and angry. Light looked at me. His eyes widened a bit, then they softened. He walked with us to the car

"Well, I'm sure to see you on campus", Ryu quickly said and Light nodded, but kept his eyes on me

"Yeah, take care", Light replied and stepped back, letting Watari close the door. 

"What do you think about Light Yagami?", Ryuzaki asked as Watari drove off

"He's body was stiff, hands clenching, his voice sounded angry", I stated looking out the window "I have a bad feeling about him".

Light's POV

Who is she? She's gorgeous!

"She's with L, though", Ryuk chuckled and I glared

Hmmm.... We'll see about that. Once I have L all gone, she'll be with me. After all a King needs a Queen. She'll be a the Queen of the New World

Ryuk just laughed as if he knew something I didn't, he probably did. Bastard.

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