Chapter 14: Goodbye .... Hello

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Bunny's POV

My heart completely stopped, it felt like I was dying

"L", I whispered seeing the lifeless body on the floor "no!". I dove to the ground taking his body from Light. I shook him and screamed for him to wake up

"You promised you idiot!", I cried into his shirt "you promised"

"Moka, he's gone", Light spoke sincerely but I looked at him, he had this sinister look behind his sad eyes "let's get him back home". He reached out to touch me, but I smacked it away

"Don't touch me!", I hissed, he looked surprised but even more pissed

"Light give her space", Mr. Yagami said and he listened to his father. The next few minutes, I sat there with L in my arms crying. I've never felt so much pain.


I didn't continue the rest of the investigation with the others. Tamotsu and I flew back to the orphanage with Watari and L's body, for a proper burial. I analyzed everything to see what went wrong

Shinigamis were real

There was a death note

And it was possible to lose memory once you will away the power that came with the death note

So did Yagami regain his memory and his power once touching the death note?

Did he resume his plan once getting the death note back?

This was his plan along.... Clever bastard....

For some reason I thought about that box that Tamotsu gave to me. I looked through my bag and finally found it. The note on it was different

You know what to do now
Open the box

Without hesitation and full on curiosity, I opened the box and peered at the object inside

"What?", I mumbled looking back at Tamotsu, who was asleep "Life Note". I lift the white book and opened the cover

Was this real? Like the Death Note? There's only one way to find out

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Was this real? Like the Death Note? There's only one way to find out.... I took the white pen that was also in the box and held it above the blank first page. He didn't deserve to die so soon.... I quickly wrote L and Watari's real names and looked back at the door. Behind that door was where their bodies laid. I waited..... And waited.... Staring intensely at the door, seeing if the knob would move. I checked my watch- it's been two minutes.... Suddenly, in the silence, rapid banging came from the door

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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