A. Hamilton

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WARNING! Definitely the most depressing chapter. Also, this is the last chapter, but there will be a sequel and trust me, it'll be a lot more interesting than this but also way more depressing... but also more adorable.

I dropped to my knees and sobbed. I couldn't handle their words. I felt a sword go through my stomach as I laid in a pile of misery and tears on the floor.

"Mister Hamilton, once you pull yourself together, would you please come with me? I would like you to examine the body. We know it's him but we still need someone to confirm it for us." The doctor coldly stated.

I felt a hand on my back but I slapped it away. This could NOT be happening, I had to be dreaming. I tried to pinch myself and slap myself but none of it made me wake up, then I realized that this was all actually happening. For some reason, the realization calmed me and I was able to get up and go in with the doctor. I looked at the body and felt nothing. I confirmed that it was John Laurens and walked straight back out without even saying goodbye.

"Listen, we've called all relatives of Mister Laurens and we called a... Martha Manning? I think that's her name. She's not exactly related to him but I'm sure you get why we'd call her." He said.

I was very confused. Martha Manning? I had never met anyone with that name before. Did she have some sort of connection to John? Was he hiding something from me?

"Um... no, I don't. Who is that? Does she have some connection to him?" I asked.

"Oh... well, he had her on his emergency contact list and she... well, she said she's coming so I think I'll just let her explain." The Doctor said before walking away.

Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy rushed over to me and that's when it happened. I broke down and ran back into the room and grabbed the limp body and held it to me.

"John? John! Why aren't you answering me? It's not like you to not respond. What's going on?" I yelled.

"Alex, honey, John's not..." I cut her off.

"Shut up! Shut up! He's fine. John? Babe? C'mon."

There are moments that the words don't reach

There is suffering too terrible to name

I sobbed and held John close to my chest until one of the doctors noticed the ruckus and came in and pried John away from me. I tried to fight to get him back but Laf held me back. I struggled for a while but realized it would do no good so I just turned around and sobbed into Lafayette's shirt.

I suddenly felt a different presence in the room... a bitchy presence. I turned around, my face still covered in tears and snot and noted a girl. Very different from Angie, Liza, or Peggy. This girl had a very stern look on her face and a child on her hip.

"Hey, you, guy with the face covered in bodily fluids. What're you crying about?" She asked, angrily.

"I-I, I can't say it. It's too painful." I whispered the last part.

"You're crying over him? Really? He was just gonna leave you anyways. Better this way because you didn't have to go through him ripping your heart into shreds." She said.

I tried to run at her but Laf held me back again. How could she be so mean to someone who's just been through what I had just been through?

"So, I'm assuming you're Martha?" I asked.

"Wow. He actually told you about me? That's surprising. He usually doesn't do that." She responded.

"No, he actually didn't." I frowned, thinking about how John had kept something from me.

"Well you see this kid on my hip?" She started "This kid, it's John's and, y'know what? I'm done with this kid now. The only reason I kept it was to blackmail John. I wanted him to feel as much pain as I did. So, here, you take it."

She handed me the child and left the room. I was in utter shock, I didn't know what to do. I was just handed a child and told to take care of it right after losing a boyfriend. I looked around the room at my friends for help but they all just shrugged their shoulders and went back to being depressed. I looked at the small being in my arms and smiled for a second, she looked just like John.

"Hi." I whispered to her.

"Hey." She smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Frances, I'm this many years old!" She held up three fingers and giggled.

I laughed through my tears.

"That's awesome. Do you want to come live with me? My name is Alexander and... well, I can't express my age on my hands but I think that's alright." I wasn't originally planning on actually keeping her but, I had hope that maybe a spark of John lived on in her.

So, I hope you enjoyed my fanfiction and I really hope you'll read the sequel. I promise I'll go ahead and start it this week. It just doesn't feel right to continue the next part in this. I'll update when the sequel is posted so be looking for that. Notice how I never actually stated that John had died but I'm sure you all figured it out because you're all smart beans that deserve gold stickers. I was planning on making this chapter a lot sadder but it would have made it longer and my hands are already cramping. This is also the first time I've ever actually finished a fanfiction. Although it was a very shit ending, I'm very proud of myself.

Thank you

~Your favorite dad ~

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