Chapter 21 | Past

Start from the beginning

"..Arianrhod Blackburn died on the same day as her victims, over 600 years ago. Her corpse was found with the others"

"It could be a huge coincidence that you have the same name, BUT her description matches exactly with yours, except the eyes. Hers were brown"

"Now, all I have listed could be just a simple coincidence. Your suspicious behaviour and what you have said before doesn't match at all, I have a feeling I am missing a big detail "

"I take my hat off for you-" I took my imaginary hat off.

"-That is quite a lot what you got out, bad that it is the only information you can get about me from books" I smirked.

"You are Zaire Walker, 25 years old, son of James Walker, previous Alpha of the Nightfall pack. You are from a strong bloodline of Alphas which is over 400 years consistent" my voice slightly differen, it has be a while since I used...

I coughed before continuing "Impressive I must say, a powerful bloodline your pack has, one Alpha stronger than the previous"

"I see that you did some homework" he narrowed his eyes at each of my movements. "Now tell me, who are you...or better what are you?"

I let out an amused chuckle "Good question Mr.Walker, I am afraid this is a secret you have to find out on your own" I took a new book, I was standing by the open door.

"Don't think I will let you go like that" he growled behind me.

"As long as Jenn and Jake are here, you don't have to see me as threat"

"Ah! And before I forget it. Don't be a p*ssy and mark her or something, I know you are afraid of hurting her, but she thinks that is her fault that you won't mark her"

Kind of.

"She thinks-" he ruffled his hair forgetting our little conversation.

"I tried..but each time she looks scared of me and she doesn't even notice it.." he mumbled frustrated.

"You have to show her that you are different " and with that I left.

I could bring myself into an empty room before I collapsed on the ground, with heavy breathing I steadied my body on the wall.

"Thank you...Dahlia..without you I would have... been a wreck" my words coming out as breathless whispers.

Arian..this is worse than the last time...

...I can't control it

Hey...are you waiting for that? For Jake to show that he is different?

I am the worst advice giver...huh?

Jake tried to talk to me but I ignored him.

Then go to him..NOW.

Yeah yeah, I get it. You are cranky without your mate.


I was waiting for his room, which might I add is a bad idea.

No, it is not.

He will be here any minute, he will surely know that I am in his room by my scent. His bed is dark navy blue, his walls a plain white, there are some book shelves and a desk.

There are not much personal things here, I looked around and found a framed photo.
Two children and two adults. I am guessing that the man who is looking like an older version of Zaire is his father, James Walker, with his mate by his side. It is just now that I noticed that she was holding a baby, most likely Zaire's brother or sister.

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