when you're sad

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I didn't want to go to school because I was too sad but

I was just a teenager and had to get over it because

People had real problems and mine were just a ripple in an ocean of tsunamis.

I didn't do my homework because I lost the ability to think

and as my physics teacher screamed at my lack of organisation I realised that

I should have pushed my violent thoughts away and realised that

calculating magnetic flux is more important than my problems will ever be.

I couldn't participate in class because my voice had been stolen along with my happiness and

when I was failed for participation the teacher asked me what was wrong but

how are you meant to tell someone that you failed a class because you can't open your mouth 

anymore without it being flooded by misery that you have desperately bottled inside.

I received my first B on a test and was told that I was slacking although

no one understood how hard it was to work when every second of every day there was

an unbearable urge inside of me to rip out my heart and head and fill my body with flowers to 

stop feeling so empty

One of my teachers was concerned and send me to the counsellor but

how do you explain that you carry the weight of the world?

how do you explain that at age 15 you are carrying a burden of sadness that washes you out?


how do you explain that

you can't sleep anymore

you can't eat anymore

you can't do anything anymore.

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