I'm Not Alone

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"No no no don't you dare die on me. you can't leave everything. You gotta see me get married. You gotta help me deliver my first kid and make sure I don't fall out. Come back man. I need you to be my best man."

"We've got a pulse. Keep talking. You might be the only one saving him now."

"You hear me, Jay. You aren't going anywhere. So come back before I start crying. Damn too late." and the machine's flat line began to move.

"All right we got him. This time don't let him go under. Nurse get me the stitches and needle."

1 year before

"Justin let's go grab some root beers after this. I'm tired and we are about to bag this guy anyway." I said.

"All right I'm game. Shh hold up he's coming act like normal."

I'm Marcus and my partner here is Justin. Right now we are in the middle of an undercover operation. We are the best in the business of busting Narcotics distribution and we work as agents that go undercover traveling to places that contain high crime rates of it. We both graduated our Agency academy from New York and began about 2 years ago. I'm 25 and he's 26 right now. I've know Justin for 15 years already so we trust each other and have become like brothers. What we are focusing on right now is taking down one small operation to get us into the largest one on the east coast near South Carolina. Considering its spring, I'm wearing jeans, and long sleave jacket and an all white T-shirt. Justin is wearing black jeans with a leather jacket and green shirt.

"Hello my friends. Are you ready to take your level to the next? We plan to be partners of this section so we need to accomplish some trust correct? so show me some product and we'll shake hands." The caucasian man said. He was the leading drug boss in this city and we had planned to bust him right here. he was accompanied by 5 body guards but we had more experience than them. I pressed the button to alert the police in a 10 block radius and took out the book bag full of cocaine packs in it.

"So, call up your boss and tell him we are in so we can shake on it" and that is exactly what he did.

"Hello, yeah. I have some news. We have been given new partners in our business. Yes they are Marcus Anderson and Justin Perryman. Yes they are legitimately not cops and they have good product. Yes thank you." And he hung up on whoever was on the end of that line.

They took the bag and we shook as the police surrounded the building. Justin and I ran even though we knew we would be safe if we got arrested. The police had arrested all of them and we walked into the agency building. Justin sat in his respective seat and I sat in mine and waited for the clock to finally reached 9 and ended our day. As we were walking out of the elevator and as we turned the corner to leave, we bumped into two girls like fate had made it happened.

Both were unimaginably beautiful without make up and had badges around their necks.

The one in the right had long black hair, and a button up long sleeve shirt and Aeropostale jeans. She had her hazel jacket in her hand and was about 7 millimeters shorter than me. The one that Justin was facing had long black hair as well that was curly and looked wet but was most likely a hair product I didn't know about. She had a jeans jacket and a blue T shirt with Aerocrombie jeans. She was the same height as Justin who was my height. They moved in sync to step back before hitting us.

"Sorry, ladies. Come on Bro" Justin said, smiled and I followed him with a last smile.

"Green hair, your buttons are done incorrectly. You might want to fix them if you want to make a good impression with the boss. And no I wasn't looking at you chest." I told her as we walked outside and into the parking.

"I'm driving this time. Your car in in the shop because of how you drove last time." I said as I opened my door.

"Fine but you buying the pack and I'm driving back." Justin replied as he slid over the Lamborghini convertible's hood.

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