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"W-Who was that, honey?" I asked Yuta who is still hugging me. I'm really scared earlier when that guy's face is really near to mine and it feels like he's going to rape me anytime.

"He's probably a criminal or what." He answered and then faced me. He grinned which made me smile back. He pinched my cheek, "You're so cute." He kissed my forehead and I giggled. "I'll go back to shower. Are you really okay for now?"

"Yeah," I nodded, but he raised his eyebrow, unconvinced. "I really am okay now because you're here." I laughingly answered.

"Okay. I believe you." I gave him a quick peck on the tip of his nose, but he held my nape and kissed me on my lips.

"Nakamoto Yuta!" I called him while giggling between our kisses. He then pushed me and I landed on our bed. "Ya! I'm pregnant, remember?!"

"I forgot." He laughed and kissed me on my forehead instead. "Okay, I'll be going now for real now. After that, I'll go to work and will probably arrive here late. Just call me whenever you need something, honey."

"Okay, Mr. Nakamoto." I nodded and then he fled. I just watched him walk away from me.

I realized something earlier as we're sharing a kiss. I don't feel any tickle in my heart as we're kissing. Maybe I'm not just in the mood for a kiss.

I actually woke up earlier because I smelled a familiar scent. When I opened up my eyes, I saw that guy staring at me. I was really shocked when I saw him, so I backed away. I was really scared of him because he might me a rapist or some kind of criminal.

He looked at me with his pair of begging eyes, but I was still scared. But I also felt something, too. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's fear.



I'm okay. Taehyung, you're okay. Be okay. I continued on fooling myself that I'm going to be okay soon. I really thought that if Sana will see me, we'll be together again. But I guess I thought wrong. I should've thought more of what might happen, I should've expected the unexpected, so I wouldn't be hurt this bad.

"Smile, Tae. Smile." I whispered to myself and tried smiling, though some of my tears keep on falling down. In the end, I failed on fooling myself. I guess I am still too weak. I still tried my best to hold my tears, but it just keeps on falling and falling.

I heard someone knock on the door, "Tae, it's your turn." Irene said from the outside. It was just yesterday when all of those moments happened, but it feels like it just happened right now.

"I-I'm coming," I told Irene with a cracked voice. Before going out, I tried conditioning my voice. I wiped my tears repeatedly using the sleeve of my shirt.

I finally went out and saw Irene standing near the door. She looked worried of me, so I smiled at her, though it faded instantly right away.

"You sure you can do this?" I nodded at her and went to the stage. I saw Tzuyu and Jungkook sitting on the nearest table on the stage. They looked worried, as usual.

I sat down on the chair and started playing the organ. Mr. Qi let me use an organ since he just bought it recently. He said it's for the performers, so I rented it for tonight.

I don't know why, but when I started singing, I feel like I'm singing my feelings. The lyrics of the song that I am covering is really touching.

After singing that piece, a tear dropped on the keys, but I didn't mind on wiping it. I felt how lonely the atmosphere is after singing this song.

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