“Thank you.”

            “No problem.” He says and sits back down to eat his corndog.

            “Sorry. It must be a hassle to take care of your sister who can’t do normal things anymore just because of her knee.” I say as I pour the clear purified water into my glass.

            “Not at all.”

            I look at him before I place the water back into the fridge. I shut the fridge and sit down at the counter with him.

            “Are you alright? Something seems to be up with you.” I say and take a sip of my water.

            He stops chewing and sets his corndog on the plate in front of him. He folds his arms and places them on the counter and swallows his food.

            “Have you ever been cheated on?” He asks looking at me.

            “Um, well-“ I begin to say looking into my glass of water. “No. See I never really dated anyone.”

            “My girlfriend-my ex girlfriend cheated on me.” He says and I look up at him feeling bad for him. He stares at his plate of corndogs, and I trace the top of my glass with the tip of my index finger in circles slowly as I watch him. “Usually a guy cheats. I would never cheat and she cheated on me. Too many girls are involved with stupid sexting these days.” He pushes his plate away from him as if he lost his appetite.

            “If it makes you feel any better I never was involved with it. I mean I-“ I pause as soon as he looks at me. I think he’s probably thinking I’m about to say I did something sexual before.

            “I received pictures of guy’s before, but I never asked for any pictures. As soon as I realized what the picture was I would delete it right away. I think that body parts and sex should be honored by the person you’re in love with and want to spend the rest of your life with.”

            “That makes me feel a little relieved that my sister doesn’t do that stuff.” He says.

            “Hey, we’re getting somewhere.” I say in a cheerful tone and smile. That makes him smile too, and I feel accomplished just for making him smile.

            He gets up grabbing his plate of corndogs, and holds it out towards me. I stare at two corndogs that are left. “Do you want em?” He asks.

            “Sure. Thanks.” I grab the plate from him, and set it in front of me to eat them. He cleans up a bit, and starts to walk out of the kitchen. “Michael.” I call out to him before he leaves the kitchen.

            “Yep?” He asks with his eyebrows raised wondering what I want.

            “I want you to know that I’m dating Aiden.” I boldly tell him.

            He slides a hand in his pocket, and a grin appears on his face. “I know. And I want you to know that I think she’ll make you happy for a very long time. Goodnight, sis. I’ll always love ya no matter how many times we fight.” And with that said he leaves me alone eating a corndog, drinking a glass of water, and now tearing up to what he said. I wipe my tears away as they roll down my cheek. Damn it, how is he a guy and making me cry? Asshole, but I love him. I finish eating the two corndogs and drinking my glass of water. I head back to my room only to find Aiden sleeping soundlessly. I grab a pillow from my bed, and carry it with me to my desk so I can hold it while I listen to my music and check facebook.

            I look back at Aiden and smile watching her sleep as I slide my headphones into my ears. Music might be able to help me sleep. I start to listen to “I Am” By Christina Aguilera.

            I smile to the comments that my friends have posted on my wall about random pictures. I decide to post a comment on Aiden’s wall even though she’s right here in my room so I go to her profile. I scroll down her wall, and see a message:

            Hey baby! Come back home, I miss you and others do too :(.

            I immediately become furious to someone calling her baby. Who the fuck was this chick posting on MY girlfriend’s wall ‘hey baby’? I click on her profile and look at her relationship status and find out she’s in a relationship. I grip onto my pillow hard. I just got done talking to my brother about him being cheated on. I push my chair back, and stand up. I throw my pillow hard at Aiden.

            “Aiden!” I say loudly, and she wakes up fast from the impact of the pillow. She looks around.

            “What happened?” She asks worried. She gets up and walks over to me. “Are you okay?”

            “No I’m not fucking okay! Who the hell is this chick posting on your facebook wall ‘hey baby come back home I miss you and other’s do too with a stupid frowning emotion?”

            “What on earth are you talking about?” She says in her tired voice and yawns

            I turn my body to the side and point at my computer screen that shows her profile wall.

            She takes a deep breath and sits in my chair staring at the screen.

            “Oh shit. Not her again!” She groans and puts her face in her hands.

            “Who is she?! I want some damn answers, Aiden!”

            She looks back at me. “Stop raising your voice at me, and I’ll tell you.”

            I cross my arms staring at her still pissed off and awaiting for my answers.

            “The school I went to before I moved here, she was my friend, and she went overboard. She told me that she found me attractive and liked me. She told me she was going to call me baby for fun and I told her not too, but she didn’t listen. She’s literally like my stalker.”

            I stare at the ground wondering if I should believe her, but then again she’s never done anything to make me not trust her. I walk past her and stand in front of her at my desk. I click on the sign out button of facebook, and I shut down my laptop and when it shuts down I shut it. I turn around looking at her.

            “Let’s go to bed.” I say and crawl onto my bed finding a comfortable to lie down.

            “Are you okay?” She asks when she gets on the bed beside of me.

            “I said let’s go to bed.” I say again but quieter, because tears roll down my cheeks. I keep my head turned away from her so she doesn’t see my face.

            She stays quiet for a bit, but the covers start to rustle and she gets under the covers. “Okay.” She says quietly. I lean back looking at her to see her back. I take a deep breath and lean my body back down staring at my door. I wipe my tears away as they continue to roll down my cheeks. I end up falling asleep by crying myself to sleep, but quietly so she doesn’t wonder what’s going on.


I like adding drama in my stories, sorry lol. I'm sure everyone will think that Kadence was unfair to take it out of hand by throwing a pillow, screaming, and cutting off the fight by sleeping.

Thank you for reading though.


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