Your Life Is A Dream. Mine Is A Nightmare. - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"So what do you feel like eating," he asked.

"It depends on what you have," I answered shyly. By hands were placed firmly on my lap and I was staring down at them. Stop being shy! I made a fist in

the air for encouragement. It's fine. Nothing can go wrong and it's not like he's secretly a pervert or something.

"You wanna make pancakes?"

"Sure! I love pancakes," I truly and honestly did love them like a sister. I merrily and innocently smiled and had the pure joy of a young child on Christmas day. He laughed.

"What's so funny," I pouted.

"You're just like a kid. You know that?"

"Well sorry for acting like a kid," I muffled. He chuckled at me.

"No really it's fine. I actually like that about you," My face was burning up,"Acting like a kid is a good thing because it shows true happiness and the great of the world not the sadness or pain you don't see in everyday life. Kids haven't been exposed to anything to distraught so all they can do is enjoy life," I for one was inspired by the speech though I had to admit it was kinda cheesy, "It must be nice," he muttered to himself. For a second he gazed off by looking at the window staring at the sky. I cautiously got up and stood next to him. I gently touched his shoulder and he snapped out of his trans.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly and worried. I was really worried. He looked honestly hurt as if he didn't enjoy life or didn't get to at all, but I knew that wasn't possible. It confused me that he had that strange look on his a face and made me very curious. Then again I needed to remember that curiosity killed the cat.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine," he shook it off and looked into the food cabinet. "Can you help me get the stuff ready?" I nodded and looked in the refrigerator. I grabbed the milk, some eggs, and ripe blueberries. He had the bowl and the pancake mix ready for me when I placed then on the wooden table. We truly had a fun time cooking. Me, myself, and I were clumsy so I dropped the pancake a couple times, broke the egg with the shell landing in the mix, and the best part was knocking over all the blueberries most of them falling to the floor. Weirdly when I dropped the pancake he didn't get mad, when the small egg shells went in he surprisingly got all the pieces out, and the weirdest of all was when I dropped the blueberries he had amazingly fast reflexes. He quickly grabbed a small bowl and caught the berries just in time before they hit the floor in the blink of an eye. Obviously I was again very amazed and curious. How the hell did he do that? Is he like superman? Maybe he's a vampire like Edward Cullen. I laughed.

"Why are you laughing," he wondered still with the blueberry bowl in hand. I was cooking the pancakes at the warm stove. The stove clock read that it was 9:00. I wondered when Yuki or Cassandra would wake up. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand which was on the spatula. I turned my head to see Chris who was standing very close to me practically behind me. He guided my hand to the pancake which was slightly burning. He helped me flip it.

"Someone isn't paying attention," he smirked as he put his hand gently on my waist. After he finished cooking the pancake he let go and set the table. I placed the delicious mouth-watering pancakes on a plate and set them in the center of the table. I had noticed that their were only two plates he had set next to each other.

"Chris, where is Yuki and Cassandra?" I questioned.

"Yuki is at a sleepover and my mom is at a meeting," I gulped. So we're all alone?

"Oh," I managed to choke. Alone in a house with a guy usually doesn't end out right! Manage your cool Chesa! We both sat down and ate our pancakes. My mind erased as I pleasurably ate the food.

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