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Zhang Baby as Daji.  The video is Daji's Lullaby which she plays for the Emporer on her flute.

Greatly saddened upon the death of his beloved Empress, Emperor Meng of Jin often suffered from a sickness of the heart, as depression began to plant deep roots in his heart.  Sometimes he would become so ill that he was not able to attend cabenant meetings.  Instead, his son Crown Prince Liu Zhang and his Prime Minister would attend in his place.  The Imperial Physicians concluded that the only way for the Emperor to heal was to find peace and solace in something to relieve the anxiety that occasionally washed over him like a typhoon.

One day, one of his officials recommended a young priestess, who was in charge of keeping the shrine of Huian, Goddess of Kind Peace, come to the palace to play her flute for which she was famous for in the north of Jin.  However, the news of the priestess and her magical flute had reached the ears of the citizens in the capital, Ling, where the Imperial family lived and where the government of Jin also resided.

Emperor Meng agreed in hopes that this priestess would heal the thorn in his heart.  And in a weeks time, the priestess was brought to the palace by the royal guards.  She was then lead to the garden where the Emperor was enjoying the sun’s comforting warmth.  Upon seeing the emperor, the young priestess noted how pale and thin he was with sadness making its home upon his frail person.  

“My Liege,” announced a guard, “I have brought the priestess of Liaoyang as you have commanded.”  As he bowed, he gestured with his hands to the young lady.  

Upon setting eyes on the priestess, Emperor became enraptured by her beauty.  When they met eyes, she gave a small smile, but strangely, the smile began to slowly move away the dark shadows shrouding his heart.  Her face showed a radiance and calmness that stilled his grieving insides and a seed of peace began to plant in his heart.  “Come, my child,” he whispered beckoning for her to come forward.  “Play the flute for me for which you are so renowned for.”  

Stepping forward, she bowed and responded, “Your humble servant does your bidding.”  She then preceded to take out her flute from her sleeve and starts to play a slow and sad tune and then climbs to a climatic point which sends the Emperor’s heart soaring with a happiness he had never felt before.

And throughout her playing, he doesn’t take his eyes off her becoming more enamored with her.  When she is done, she bowed and he clapped.  “Excellent!” he exclaimed.  Standing up, he walked over to her and took her hands.  “What is your name, my dear?”  

“Daji, My Liege,” she answered not daring to look in his eyes.  

“You indeed have such a magical flute!  Certainly blessed with an innate talent,” he said as he laughed.

“It is my honor to play for the Emperor.  In all my life, I would have never dreamed so, but merely stayed as a dream, My Liege,” she said softly bowing once again.

“You have a great virtue that is rare for anyone to find!”  

She looked up at him with a questioning look.  “What would that be, My Liege?”

“Humility.  A virtue I deeply admire as it is hard to find in my subjects or even the most loyal ones,” he explained.  

She bowed.  “Thank you for such honored words, my Emperor.”

“Since you have pleased me so, I shall reward you,” he offered.  “What is it that you desire?”  Daji was silent for a moment.  “What is it, my dear?”  He lifted her chin so she could look into his eyes.

She shifted her gaze.  “I do not dare say, My Liege.”

“Speak.  You shall have anything you desire!”

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