"McDonald's or Wendy's for dinner cause I'm not cooking ?" He thought for a minute.

"I think I won't Wendy's sissy" he got happy.

"Ight little man, get back to class before she call me again talking about you were skipping" I glance out the corner of my eyes to see Ms.Carter roll her eyes from the sarcasm.

"Okay sissy I love you, see you at home." He hugged my legs.

"Aye wait, I'm proud of you buddy but look you gotta watch ya mouth you know better okay and I love you to now get to class" I bent down and kissed him all over his face.

"O..oka...okayyyyy sissy stop it before all my friends see, they can't see a G like me getting kisses from they sister then they gon think I'm a soft nigga." he flicked his collar.

"Boyy bye you ain't no G now get to class before they see you get a ass whooping for cursing" I laughed when he hurried and skedaddled down the hall to class.

Man he gonna be the death of me ❤️

I left out and got back in my car, drove home where Promise should be.

Speaking of Promise, Im proud of her for talking to Ms. King and I.    I was beginning to think these therapy session were useless, but what I don't get is why she lie to me about everything. Why didn't she just talk to me about it. It's not just her fighting this battle, its all of us because we're fighting this battle with her. Im debating on if I should push her into telling me or just leave it be and let her tell me on her own time.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car before I grabbed my phone and keys. I got out and went in the house.

"Promise" I called out to her.

I heard her clapping so I followed the sound which led me into the living room. I stopped and looked at her in amusement as I saw her laying on the floor, listening to Tee grizzly and drawing invisible shapes on the ceiling with her finger.

She looked at me and gave me a small smile while patting the spot beside her. I dropped my keys and phone on the couch and sat down beside her.

"James got in trouble at school." She gave me a confused look.

"Yeah apparently some kids were bullying Giovanni, so he went in her class while it was in session. I dont think I should've been called for that but the principal seems like a total bitch so it's whatever."

She silently chuckled which made me smile realizing how she hasn't really smiled since she went mute.

"I got you something." She sat up and crossed her legs.

I grabbed the bag off the couch and handed it to her. She opened it and pulled out a whiteboard and a box of dry erase markers. She looked at me with no emotion.

"Okay, you don't have to use it to talk. You can draw on it or just not use it." I rubbed the back of my head.

She opened the box of markers and began writing with a blue one then she turned the board to me and I saw a smiley face emoji and two small words under it.

"Your welcome." I smiled.

I laid back and she laid on my chest. Which took me by surprise.

"Are you hungry" I looked down at her.

She sat up and grabbed the white board. She turned it towards me and I chuckled. It said "way to ruin the mood lol"

"Ah yeah, Im pretty good at that." she playfully rolled her eyes.

When Everything Is Said And Done (StudxStud) Where stories live. Discover now