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I dropped Promise off at the house before heading to the school. When I got there I was  pissed because Jayla, Giovanni and James know not to get in trouble at school.

I closed my car door and walked in the building I went straight into the office and saw James sitting on the bench looking scared.

"What the hell you do James ?" I sat down beside him.

"Nothing really, I just-" he was cut off.

"And you must be Stacey ?"

I looked up to where the voice was coming from and saw a white little lady with her arms crossed.

"Sure is, who's asking ?" She looked tooken back but quickly changed her mood.

"Im Ms. Carter the principal. Please, come into my office. James, you as well. " She gestured to the little room in the back.

I looked at James before we followed Ms. Carter .

We sat in the chairs and I gave her office a quick glance around. It was so bleh. So plain.

"Let's get right to the point what am I here for ?" I looked at her.

"Well James here thought it was okay to stop by Ms. Jacob's classroom."

"Okay? And? That's his god sister classroom I don't see where you getting at." I was getting annoyed already.

"Okay yes but the class was in session." She took off her glasses.

I turned to James.

"James, why did you stop at Ms. Jacob's classroom while they were learning, you know better." I lightly slapped him in the back of his head.

"Because they were picking on Giovanni and made her cry, I wasn't haven't that sis." He looked at me.

"Who?" I stood up ready to beat some ass.

"Some fugly ass little kids in her class and that ain't okay so I did something about it, simple." He leaned back in his chair then sat up covering his mouth realizing what he just said.

"Boy watch ya damn mouth before I hit you in it." I walked over to him and sat back down.

I turned back to Ms. Carter.

"Okay so here's the deal, James and Giovanni are close. Like really close. Kind of like brother and sister. So if she's in trouble, he's going to come to her rescue. No questions asked. And to know somebody was messing with her and made her cry oh he is going to do something about it weather you like it or not so I really dont see the problem here." I leaned forward in my seat.

"I understand that, I do, however he cant just walk inside of another teachers classroom and disrupt it." She got loud.

"If it has something to deal with Giovanni, then he can." I got loud back.

"Im sorry but you dont make the rules here." She stood and crossed her arms.

"And your absolutely right Ms. Carter but I am James and Giovanni guardian So there for he's NOT gonna let these bad ass kids pick on her and not do nothing about it. This maybe a problem to you, but me..... I don't see one. My brother my rules and if he gets suspended or iss for this, something WILL be done because you over here worried about my brother helping his sister from being bullied but you have yet to do ANYTHING about the bullies. Now, Im leaving don't call my phone over some bullshit like this again." I stood and turned to James.

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