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Promise Pov

I came to the conclusion that my momma's nigga is really trying to bust down my door , I was tying shit together to make a rope so I can through it out the window for us to climb down .

Wait I hear a high pitch voice...

I know this lady not helping this lunatic bust in my room Wtf how could she be so stupid ..

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt Giovanni tugging on my shirt ."Come on sissy we got to go." She said through tears .

I help her out the window and She slide down the mixture of clothes I tide together and landed safely.

I through the bags out the window as I was about to slide down my weak ass excuse for a rope , my door busted open.

In comes my lovely mother and her crazy ass nigga.

"Gotcha stupid bitch " he said yanking the end of my jacket sleeve. "Get the fuck off me dude". He wouldn't let my jacket go so I just took the whole thing off and finished climbing down.

Once I made it down I put vanni on my back and picked up our bags and start running.

I really need to save up for a car because this running shit not cutting it 💁🏽

"Shit" I yelled , I should have known they were going to come after us.

I hit a side corner and guess what was there a fucking fence.

I tossed the bags over the fence then helped Giovanni over , I was climbing the fences when I seen my mom car pulled up but shit I was already over the fence when they hopped out.

"This isn't over I will get her and love ever moment of it  " he said licking his lips while pointing at Giovanni.

I know this sick bastard did not just..😷

"I swear for god if you ever lay a hand on my sister you can kiss your life goodbye and you bitch you just going to let that sick bastard talk about your own fucking daughter like that something is seriously wrong with you might wanna get that shit checked the fuck out". After I said what I had to say I picked up our bags, grabbed vanni and we began walking.

Honestly I don't even know where we going. We have no family here and I don't know what to do.

I started tearing up because I just realized we have no where to go and I was reminiscing back on the previous situation  and just my past period and I broke down like why would somebody wanna do this to me and my sister.

Man she only fucking 6 like what sick individual wanna rape a fucking 6 year old ?

I guess Giovanni caught my drift because she began hugging my legs and saying " it's ok sissy , it's ok " .

I Know they say studs suppose to be tuff and all this shit but these studs now in day taking that shit to they heads. yea I'm a stud but shit I'm still a female and I do have my feminine moments maybe it's my period but back to my little brave princess , really man what would I do without her ? 😌

"Thank you for consoling me baby girl "I say to her. What do that word mean sissy she asked me. I'll tell you later princess right now I need to figure out where we going to go, ok ?

"Ok but sissy I don't feel like a princess anymore ".

See this is what I was scared of them ripping her pride and joy away from her..

Why you say that baby girl ? I asked . Because mommy doesn't love me and you, did I do something wrong sissy ?" She asked tearing up again. I stoped walking .

"Oh no honey you didn't do anything wrong mommy is just sick in the head and hopefully she get it together".

See I'm not about to feed my baby sister lies , I know she to young but she needs to know it isn't her fault and it's the delusional mother of hers.

We stared walking again and a car slowed down beside us I got scared so I grabbed Giovanni and was about to run but I heard someone calling my name and the voice sounded way to familiar.

I turned around and came face to face with Stacy.

I really feel like this girl is stalking me now 😑

"Why are you guys out at this time of night its dangerous out here and why are your eyes glossy vanni and your faces red promise? And bags ? Why are you carrying bags" ?

Damn this girl ask to many question she need to mind her business 😒..

"Umm..no reason just going for a little walk" I respond quick asf.

I known She not gonna believe that shit you got bags dumb ass DAMN ..

"Then why do you have bags" she asked with a raised brow .

"Damn mind your business your so irking " I said with an attitude. "You can shut the fuck up because to me it looks like you need a place to crash at but shit imma mind my business and go home ."

She turned around walking back to her car. "Wait Stacy " I said realizing what I have to do. She turned around waiting for me to speak again.

See me and Gio.....I stopped because i see a car speeding up the street and then the windows rolled down.

Next thing you know shots fire.

"Get in the car now hurry Hurry HURRY " Stacy yelled. I grabbed my sister and ran to Stacy car and got in.

She speed off , rolled down the windows and told us to duck and She start shooting back .

Wtf is this bitch in a gang or something I hope her ass know this not gta (grand theft auto) her ass can really go to jail for this shit..

We made it to a apartment complex I guess she live here we get out the car and Stacy led us to her apartment.

"I already know what your thinking and yes I am in a gang and I don't care what you got to say oh and sure you guys can crash here for the NIGHT."

Well damn rude ass but I ain't gonna say nothing because she is letting us stay here and a nigga tired.

"Y'all can sleep in the guess room right down the hall to the left and vanni I'm so sorry you had to see that side of me do you forgive me" ?

I guess vanni was still in shocked and now scared of Stacy because she just ran to me and hugged my legs.

Stacy sighed and walked away.

I picked vanni up and walked to the guess room , sat her on the bed ,took off her jacket and shoes then tucked her into bed and I did the same. What a day I thought as I drifted off into sleep.
I know it's short but just wait on it the next chapter gonna be longer.

Thanks for reading loves 💋

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