(17) At World's End

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At World's End

"Charlie?" Elizabeth's voice rang in my ears.

It had been five months, and we had lost word from William a few days ago from when we arrived in Singapore. It worried me to death but I had to trust that Will could take care of himself.

Over the course of five months, I had become civil with Elizabeth. I hadn't forgiven her nor had I trusted her but I had to see it from her side. The Kraken was after him. Not us, or the Pearl. It was after my brother, so for her, one man's life for everyone remaining was the best option. No matter who it hurt in the process. Besides, Elizabeth was too much for me to understand for me to trust her. I still thought of her as a whore who went for any man, especially after she kissed Will and then my brother.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" I responded continuing to sharpen my sword.
"We should get going to meet Barbossa." She commented and I nodded, putting one of my many swords in my belt.

Elizabeth and I quickly put on our protective attire, matching in style but with different colors. Hers being a light blue and mine a dark maroon.

I tied my long hair in a ponytail blowing the strands that fell in my face away. I quickly made sure my cloak covered the numerous weapons I had on me and clambered into the boat behind her, our straw hats hiding our faces.

We rowed together in the river of the ghettos of Singapore, myself singing a tune softly that Elizabeth recognized.

"Some men have died and some are alive. Others sail the sea." I sang in the dreary town, Elizabeth humming it with me. We passed what could only be known as the British army, my eyes focusing on them as they marched by. They definitely we're not apart of the plan.

"With keys to the cage, and devil to pay. We lay to fiddlers green." A firework went off and the chopping of a fish could be heard in the eerie night. We rowed and tied our boat to the dock, before standing upon the wooden platform.

"Yo, ho haul together, hail the colors high. Yo ho-"

A voice startled me from my trance, harshly spoken towards us, "Thief! And beggars! Never, shall, we, die!" He spat, Elizabeth and I looking up to see a Japanese man.

"A dangerous song to be singing for those who are ignorant of it's meaning. Particularly women. Particularly two women alone."

I rolled my eyes at the way he eyed us up and down like a piece of meat. No doubt thinking of a way to pin us down with his two friends behind him to help. I stood in front of Elizabeth automatically, refraining from starting a scene with the ugly man. Who smirked down at me like I was his lesser.

"Who said they were alone?" Barbossa infiltrated the scene walking down some stairs of a store with a cocky smile.

"So are you the one protecting them?"

At that, Elizabeth and I quickly attacked the group. I used my leg to kick one of the larger men off the dock, whilst reaching over to hold a knife over the man's neck. Elizabeth doing the same to his friend. "Now who said we needed protecting?" I snarled, pressing into his neck just enough to draw drops of blood.

"Your masters expecting us, and an unexpected death would cast a slight pall on our meeting." Barbossa spoke with his usual smirk planted on his face.

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