Chapter 3•I'd Die for Her

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As I made my way to leave, I paused. I felt something was wrong. My whole body went rigid, my breathing ceased. It was as if everything on the busy port had ceased, heightening my senses. A tension laid over the land like a thick fog, the hair on the back of my neck rose in chills. I waited for something, anything to calm my nerves. But nothing came.

Just pure silence.

"Is something wrong Charlotte?" William asked, cautiously approaching me. He placed a soft hand on my arm, of which was ridden with goose-bumps.
"Do you feel that?" I whispered.

"It's probably nothing." He tried, but sounded as if he didn't believe himself. I quickly made my way to the window opening it peering out onto the empty streets of Port Royale.

The sky had darkened, but not because it was night, black clouds cloaked the night sky like a thick blanket. The wind picked up whipping my hair around my face, my stomach churned in nerves. It was the calm before the storm. Will came to my side moments later, looking out as well. In the eerie silence all we could hear was the tiny patter of a cats feet running down the alleyway.

"Somethings coming." Will concluded, a stormy glare on his features. I nodded. I went to lean out more but Will quickly ducked me to the ground as a cannon was shot. His whole body covered mine in protection.

"I'm leaving." I decided grabbing up the fallen sword from earlier. Also grabbing a few daggers as well.
"It's not safe out there!" Will protested, grabbing my arm, pulling me toward him.

I sharply turned, "I know those cannons. It's the Black Pearl. They hardly leave survivors."

"And how have you come to know this?" He questioned. His dark eyes held a certain anger, though I'm not sure if it was directed exactly towards me. Maybe  the situation, or that I was resisting the safety of his workplace.
"My God Will, I used to be first mate on that ship!" I hissed my own fire blazing in frustration. Did he not understand that my family was at stake? "I'm sorry I'm not meaning to be angry with you."

I heard more cannons come toward us, making the ground shake and a yellow glow from the fire around us. In the distance, you could hear the shouts of the blood lusting pirates and the screams of those they terrorize. "They are horrible people. I hated them." I spat.

"Why were you on there then?"
"Family. Honor. Loyalty. It doesn't matter now. All that matters is that I am going to kill as many as I can." And with that I ran out of the door and into the fire.

• • • • •

I jumped as a pirate threw dynamite in a house with pride on his face. I sneered at red scene, quickly coming up behind him and stabbing him through the stomach. I watched happily as the light faded from the horrible man's eyes, his blood coating my silver sword. Death was a horrible thing, but when given to the scum of the earth, I almost saw it as a relief. Though my moment was ruined by a sharp sting of pain erupting from my side. Grimacing, I pulled my sword from the dead pirate, turning to face one I knew all too well.

"You still won't sleep with me eh? Well your brother isn't here for you now." Marcus sneered, licking his chapped lips disgustingly. I saw his yellow teeth as well. I wanted to vomit  at the sight of his thin greasy hair and undeniably fat body.

Not to mention he was the crudest to me. He had almost succeeded in his forceful quest for my body. I spent many nights, fearful that one day my locked door wouldn't be enough. That Jack wouldn't be near me to stop him. And the times I wasn't awake, all I dreamt was of his hands grabbing me, his mouth on my neck before I mustered up the last of my strength to push him away.

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