Chapter 6. Spring Break Blues

Start from the beginning

"Fine! I'll start looking for a house and you can call the priest!" My father said stiffly. We heard the front door open then slam. We waited a few minutes before going downstairs completely.

"Mom?" I called out. I didn't see her anywhere and I doubt she would have answered me.

"What, Alana? I'm trying to call the priest!" She said, voice dripping with venom.

"Is everything OK? We heard yelling and the door slammed."

"Everything's just peachy." She replied, her voice heavy with sarcasm. I turned my attention to Bennett and pointed to the kitchen. We were going to eat regardless, I wasn't going to let Ben starve on their behalf.

Bennett and I sat at the table eating lasagna and waiting for our dad to get home. We waited and waited and waited with no such luck. Our dad wasn't coming home tonight. Ben yawned, "Ready for bed, Benny?" He nodded and go up.

I tuck him in and turned his light out. He fell asleep before I even left. I padded to my room and sat on my bed. I wish I could call you, Alexander. I miss you so much, it's not even funny. I need to be held after hearing my parents fighting. I need a break from this madness! I need you! I need your love. I could feel my tears growing hotter, my emotions taking control over my body. I was shaking and crying. Dad left and isn't coming back until who knows when, Alexander hates me, my mom won't look at me, the only people I have left are Cassie and Bennett, maybe Lilly-Anne. I cried and cried until I finally passed out.

When I woke up my head was killing me, my eyes were beyond sensitive, and my back was killing me. I stretched and cracked my back. I walked downstairs to get breakfast. To my relief, my dad was sitting as the table reading a newspaper. "Hi, Dad." I muttered softly.

"Morning, Lana. You should pack your things before five o'clock, your mother needs a break." He said awkwardly, running his hand through his hair.

"I-I know, Bennett and I heard you guys fighting last night." I said in a small voice. When I looked up at him, his eyes were full of shock.

"Oh, Honey! I'm so sorry you had to hear that!" He said with the most apologetic expression I've ever seen. "We didn't kn-"

I cut him off, holding my hands up, "Dad! It's fine. Really. I-I deserved it. The things she called me, I mean." I said, taking a deep, shaky breath. My heart was already in a thousand pieces, nothing could bother me anymore. I didn't care anymore. My feelings had already become so numb that I was starting to not feel anything on the outside.

He hesitated before nodding, "Right. Will you tell Bennett to pack as well? Maybe you could help him. The moving truck will be here before five, though."

"So you found a place for us to live that fast?" I asked.

He nodded, "The house has been on the market for so long that when they dropped the price, people became weary and didn't want to purchase so the Realtors were pretty desperate. There's still some furniture in there, it'll come in handy and it looks fine." He cleared his throat, "But, yeah, it's a good house. You could even bring your friend over."

I smiled weakly, "Thanks, Dad, for being more accepting than Mom. It's... Helpful."

He hugged me, "It's suppose to be my job to protect you from jackasses who do this stuff to girls, and I failed you. Your mother is blaming me a lot for not doing my job properly. I'm sorry I failed you, Alana. D-do you and that boy still talk?"

I sighed and shook his head, "He got mad at because when I found out who was spreading rumors about me, I punched the person. It was his sister. He pretty much stopped talking to me after that. I was about to tell him about the baby, that went pretty well, obviously."

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