One Heart

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It all happened way too fast...

He ran and ran as he reached her...

Arms were flung around the blonde...

And pulled into a loving hug...

"I missed you."

Jungkook looked at the whole scenario, he had a sudden urge to punch someone. Before he had a move, Jennie stopped him completely.

"Don't. I know what you're thinking," Jennie spoke without meeting his eyes.

"But-" he stopped. She was right, what right did he have to stop this? None. Not after what had happened yesterday. Jungkook gritted his teeth as he turned away; not wanting to see anything that was happening.

Lisa stood shocked. Not a word escaped her mouth, yet her eyes issued a slight confused-like contoured face.

Who is this?

The mysterious person slowly released his arm around her, the tall figure with the same light tinted blonde hair like hers but slightly darker in comparison. His complexion was undeniably beautiful, sharp jawline, wide gorgeous eyes, flawless soft hair and almost all around appealing aesthetic; almost a copy of Lisa.

"Don't you remember me?" He asked, eyes hoping for the right answer. Lisa scrunched, trying incredibly hard to remember absolute anything, but to no avail; she stood quiet.

The mysterious person sighed. "You were perfect in everything, but not in memorising." He warmly smiled.

Lisa pushed his arms off her, "if that's what you want to believe. Now excuse me, I have a class to attend."

He wasn't letting her through.

"Class is more important than me?" He replied with sadness in his voice. Lisa started to get irritated.

"What exactly do you want from me?" She spoke, annoyance filled her lungs.


Jungkook heard enough. Just when he was about to walk up there to completely demolish him, Lisa's very next words stopped him.

"Already taken."

It felt like two worlds colliding, gossip was set alight like oil blazed into fire, seconds later large sounds of the male population within the school were shrouded in jealousy and envy; pure heat in their eyes. When those exact words hit Jungkook's eardrums, he felt a feeling he didn't think he would ever feel again; he slowly started walking away from the crowd.

Already taken huh...

Why do I even care...

I don't care...

I don't...


Two slender arms immediately wrapped around him as he glanced around to meet a familiar pair of enticing eyes which fluttered like a priceless butterfly. Her golden locks swirled down his arm, almost locking him in place as her warm presence soothes him completely; she smiles.

"This is my boyfriend."

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