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"So this is what the school looks like..." it wasn't much of a sight, however it did have some historic connections within the Roman Times.

Crossing the yard and up towards the main school entrance, I gently opened to door as warmth welcomed me.

"Wow." Gazing inside the interior of the immaculate school, I couldn't exactly imagine how long it could have possibly taken to create such a masterpiece.

Glancing to my right, I found a peculiar type of slate which embedded inside was a crosscut gold emblem and it had a bold inscription to it.

Simply stating: Golden lights and Apple trees are similar to the first Humans called Adam and Eve.

'Go figures.' More or less were my thoughts, this school will eventually become even more weird.

I can feel it.

Sighing at my ill feelings, I walked down the hallway; it was more of a rounded hallway with tiles implanted vertically and horizontally.

"Excuse me."

Staggering for only a brief moment, I regained my posture and confronted the voice behind me.

"Uh..." the lady was... beautiful, long luscious black hair, flawless lashes, pinkish lips and she gave me a deathly stare; one that could freeze my very soul and burn my entire existence.

"You are late," she grabbed my hand, I couldn't react fast enough to her approach, "I am going to show your class..." without any room for obligations... I was dragged.


"Ow! He-hey slow it!" The amount of force she applied on my wrist was unbelievable, I was worried for my health for a second.

"Here," pushing me towards the doors, she gave a small hands up "Have fun."

"Uh-" I wasn't good with girls, especially beautiful girls ever since that day, but I wanted to thank her.

Her smile curved, "my name is Jennie Kim." Giving me a small wave before walking off.

She certainly was beautiful.

Shaking away my unnecessary thoughts, I faced the wooden doors that laid right in front of me.

"Here I go..." almost whispering it to myself rather than let the world know my self intentions.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in!"

Readying myself with a huge smile, I walked in the classroom, it was nothing like I'd expected since everything I saw was grand, but this specific room was old and tearing away.

"Please introduce yourself." Breaking my seconds of being drifted into the wonderlands, I nodded at the teacher's request since it's only formal to let your fellow colleagues know who you are.

Taking a huge breath... I spoke.

"Hello my name is Jung-"

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