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“To come,” she handed Charlie an invite too. Danielle was sooo confused. She was practically having an inward “nervy b”, but she never let out anymore on her surface than a small smile.

“Thanks,” Danielle and Charlie answered. The QB sensed the atmosphere Danni and Charlie were letting out towards them, and promptly left to hand invitations to other people. Jody was slyly watching and approached them.

“Invited to a party from the QB?” she asked, raising an eyebrow, skeptically. Out of nowhere, Katy arrived once more.

“Sorry, Jody-here,” she handed Jody an invitation and Jody looked dumb-struck.

Danielle waited patiently until Katy was out of earshot when she voiced her concerns.

“I’d love to chat about the sudden happenings, but C and I need to do our experiment-as do you and Sienna. Is that fine? I’ll contact you later.”

Jody didn’t fully believe Danielle-she tended to not talk during class-time, nor send notes. But she wasn’t branded a ‘goody-two-shoes’ such as Jody once was before she had paid a visit to Friday Detention. Jody knew better than to scowl, so she agreed. They really didn’t have much time left.

A bit later, Charlie and Danielle presented the product of their experiment to Mr Kring in front of the class.

“…so you put this powder on you tongue, and when you put more than the desired amount of this liquid we conjured, it ‘explodes’ in your mouth, clearing your blocked nose,” demonstrated Charlie on Danielle-who did have a blocked nose. “Don’t swallow, just inhale deeply and this concoction is transported into your nose. This stops the flow of anymore, um, mucous.”

“Only problem is:  your entire mouth turns black,” admitted Danielle, proving her statement true by opening her mouth.

“Except your tongue and teeth. Those go winter white,” concluded Charlie.

“But a quick rinse of water takes care off that,” finished Danielle, exiting to the bathroom with permission. Jody soon asked to leave too, and they were walking, alone as they aren’t often are, together to the bathroom.

“I wonder why the QB invited me to their party,” Danielle admitted. “We’re not exactly close, you know?”

“And why’d they invite me? I don’t want to go-I mean, Tamara’s going to be there! And they only invited me because of you,” Jody retorted, waiting as Danielle thoroughly rinsed her mouth.

“I think they invited me because of Charlie,” pondered Danielle, “or maybe they like us. Maybe,” she didn’t want to blow things out of proportion.

“Oooh, I wonder what we should wear? I must go shopping…” decided Jody excitedly.

“Relax. It’s just a party. I’ll wear my old Jay Jays shorts, top and vest,” Danielle soothed Jody.

Jody’s face screwed up. ‘What happened to fashion-obsessed Danni?’ she thought, disappointed.

“Oh-and don’t diss Tamara. She’s cool.”

“ ‘Cool’?” repeated Jody rudely, “as in ‘I want to be in the QB and she’s the leader so I’d better kiss-up’ cool, or ‘cool’ as in ‘Jody doesn’t like her, so I will’ cool or ‘cool’ as in ‘cool, I’ve finally been invited to a ‘cool person’s’ party’ cool?” tuned Jody, angry.

Danielle didn’t wince. She walked forward and gave Jody a hug. “‘Cool’ as in ‘you don’t have a personal prob. with her, so leave her be’ cool. Plus-,” reminded Danielle, her voice muffled.

“If it wasn’t for Tamara-you and Charlie wouldn’t be together!” smiled Jody, shaking her head.

“Charlie and I aren’t together!” dejected Danielle, eyes wide. “Who said that?” she took and deep breath to regain her now usually calm aura. “Sorry,” she said unnecessarily, “but you took me by surprise.”

Jody raised her eyes skyward, reminding Danni of the time.

“We’re late for class!” she fretted. “And I think a party with the QB will be fun.”

“Definitely,” Tamara agreed.

“Hi, Tamara,” Danielle politely said. “Sorry-I’ve got to go. Are ‘Hara, Katy and Cami here too?”

“Yep,” they answered in unison, revealing themselves. Danielle exhaled, amused. Jody copied the gesture, but hers was done not in an amused fashion, but in a pissed one. Tamara smiled a smug smile.

“You were just talking about us,” Cameron accused.

“What’s there to talk about?” replied Danielle, pulling Jody out without a good bye.

“What eaves-droppers!” gushed Danielle once she thought they were out of earshot of the QB.

“I know!” agreed Jody relentlessly, shaking her head disapprovingly.

“No we’re not!” protested Katy.

Danielle didn’t dare glance at Katy. She just burst out laughing.

Jody smiled brightly against her will-she could actually control herself.

A tear ran down Danni’s cheek. Not bothering to wipe it away, Danielle grabbed Jody’s hand and ‘speed-walked’ to class and apologized to Mr Kring for taking so long. He accepted her apology-but only because she was a straight A+ student and didn’t talk during class. As she sat down, Charlie wiped her tear away. His look clearly said: What happened?!

Danielle indicated to the invite in her pocket. Charlie nodded, looking at all the guys who weren’t listening to Mr Kring’s lesson and were instead chatting about the QB’s upcoming party. Charlie knew that inviting the QB inviting him was a ‘Spur of the moment’ thing. It didn’t please him, but he knew he had to go. For Danni, at least. Just then, Vuyo came into the classroom, being roughly held by his teacher.

“Naughty! Terrible manners…” she whined, “So I brought him here. Hopefully, your class’s good behaviour will rub off on him. Thank you,” she finally left. Vuyo took a seat just in front of Charlie, and so Danielle had a good view of his profile. She smiled, looking down. ‘Don’t get involved with boys at your age,’ she uselessly quoted quietly, ‘they’re trouble and distract you from your goals.’

Jody purposefully punched her in the back, and Danielle frowned. She just knew how Latoya would giggle if she was there. Danielle turned to face Jody and Derek turned to Jody.

“What does she have against Vuyo?”

Jody smirked. “Nothing,” she crossed her arms to make a point Derek didn’t get. He continued to pump her for info.

“Does Danni like him?”

Charlie turned paler-if that was possible.

“You okay?” whispered Danielle, concerned.

Charlie smiled. Danielle had broken her no talking rule for him.

“I’m cool.”

Danielle produced a snort in an effort to cover up her laugh. The word, ‘cool’ had given her enough trouble already. Vuyo turned around and raised an eyebrow. She almost swooned. Charlie shot her a look. She’d already broken one rule for him, sooo, he figured, writing her a note.

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