Aquamarine x Female Reader pt. 2

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"You really think so? I mean, I'm always perfect, but my name isn't so "dazzling"."

"I mean it, even though you did try to break my bones, and capture my friends, I shouldn't blame you for just doing your job." (Yn) said grinning.

"Ugh! I know! At least one human understands my way of doing things. Why did I ever want to hurt such a clever little organic?" Aquamarine said as she grabbed her cheek tightly like a grandma would.

"So your job must be very tiring, correct?" (Yn) asked.

"Yes, its true that when the Diamonds give me a lifeform to capture, I have to search an ENTIRE planet with that huge boulder down there for a human to bring to the Zoo, and when its a gem, its just so boring to simply catch them with my wand." She said sighing.

(Yn) frowned a bit.

"So your orders are to capture rogue gems or humans, yet makes you feel like its all too easy?"

"Thats the thing of being the best on Homeworld. Its all so exhausting." Aqua said slumping down on her seat.

"Well maybe I can help you NOT feel exhausted. Since I'm your "servant" and all." She said smiling.

"Oh, really? How exactly is a human going to help me with my stress?"

"Unlock these water chain thingies off of my wrists and I'll show you." (Yn) showed her wrists to her, making her suspicious.

"Are you trying to plan an escape?"

"Not really, besides we're in a ship out in space, humans can't survive out here, so what chance do I possibly have?"

"Huh, a very clever one you are, alright."

Aquamarine snaps her fingers as the chains dissolved into liquid. (Yn) stood up and sat next to the small gem.

"Ever heard of a massage?"

"Sounds silly, but go on."

(Yn) put her hands on her small shoulders.

"This is going to feel relaxing. Trust me."

She said as she began rubbing in a circular motion.

"Thats it? How is thaaaa....oh my goodness." Aquamarine's stress suddenly started to fade, feeling woozy as she continued massaging.

"How is this possible? I feel...nice, thats a proper word to express how I feel right?"

"Told ya so, this kind of thing helps us feel relaxed all the time."

Aquamarine looked at (yn) and smiled.

"I believe all those gems back home will all be jealous that I have a human who knows how to..."massage"."

"So you don't have friends to talk to or something?" (Yn) asked as she went to rub her back.

"No, honestly... your the first organic I have ever spent talking to, all the gems on Homeworld don't usually gossip about their day since our resources for making gems are dwindling." The blue gem said.

"What about Topaz? Doesn't she keep you company?"

"She is just a fusion gem that Yellow Diamond has ordered to accompany me on capturing the humans. She isn't like the gem that was partnered with me thousands of years ago."

"Who was she?" (Yn) asked.

"She was Blue Topaz, long story short, we had an argument, she thought I always cared only for myself, and once we went our separate ways, she stayed behind to fight those rebellious gems on Earth, and thats when our Diamonds set a final attack that would decimate all life on the planet, the enemy and...our own."

(Yn) stopped rubbing, hearing a sniffle coming from Aquamarine as she turned to her, rubbing her eyes. The girl realized it now, she had hated going to Earth because it reminds her of the gem that left her and was possibly corrupted, but she doesn't know thats the truth because Homeworld thinks all the gems were wiped out by the Diamonds.

"Aqua...I...I'm so sorry." (Yn) held out her hands as Aquamarine got off her seat and hugged the human.

"I just want her back!" She yelled as tears went down her face.

"I don't know who she was, but she must've been a dear friend to you." (Yn) said, patting her head.

Aquamarine let go as she immediately typed something as a big round ball appeared in front of them.

"What is-" she was cut off by a tiny finger shushing her.

"I changed my mind, your going back to Earth, I've set the coordinates on the pod back to your planet." Aquamarine said.

"Your just letting me go? Just like that? Why?"

"Because I'm starting to have feelings for you like I did with Topaz and I'm not going through that again! So just go." She said, getting mad.

"What about my friends?"

"I've told the Diamonds about the Lars and Rose Quartz, but not you, their fate is already sealed, and I would be shattered for going against my Diamond's orders. Now go." Aquamarine pointed to the escape pod.

(Yn) didn't have a choice anymore, but at least she'll be able to go back to the gems.

"Fine, I understand." She goes inside but then stops to look at Aquamarine.

"Your doing this because you care about me right?"

"Look, what I did to you back on Earth..." She sprouted water wings and flew up to (yn)'s height.

"...I'm sorry." She mumbled that last part.

The girl threw her arms around the tiny gem, surprising her.

"You aren't a bad gem after all."

Aquamarine smiled, returning the hug. They both let go as (yn) went inside the pod.

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Never." She said, making the girl's jaw drop.

The gem giggled, "Just kidding! I'll think about meeting you again someday."

(Yn) laughed waving as the ship's hatch door opened as the pod shot out flying back to Earth.

Aquamarine smiled, and turned seeing that they are almost towards Homeworld.

"Well, I better check on Topaz, she's been down there for quite awhile.

Steven Universe X Reader oneshots!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora