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So things have been pretty good lately. Work is okay and aside from having to get work done on my car stuff is simple. Daddy has a new job that he has to be at, at 4am and it sorta sucks cause he goes to bed early. Like 10 is bed time now but sometimes I just stay up and read or watch tv. He gets off now before me and takes a nap and then we get the rest of the day to spend together I like it a lot. It took a week to get use to it and some stuff is still hard but it's a work in progress. I worry we are getting back to our old habits though we don't really do much aside from sitting around the house and it's nice and all but can be boring.
Also I thought I was pregnant but that turned out not to me true...I have Pcos and it makes it rly rly hard for me to get pregnant sooooo I'm going to try and lose weight because that's supposed to help. I don't want to have a baby right away but soon wouldn't be to awful bad ya know.
Anyway back to what everyone cares about.
Daddy and I had amazing sex tonight. Usually it's quick as of late because of his job but tonight it was awesome!
We fucked for no lie an hour and a half which if your daddy's go longer then that good for you lately all I get is like half an hour and that sucks!

I'm about to go into detail so if you don't wanna know don't read.
Last warning
Okay soooo daddy and I were cuddling and he started playing with my hair and then pulled me up to kiss him. We made out some before he pushed me down to suck on his cock. He pulled my hair and pushed my head down a few times which made me gag but I usually find a rhythm and am okay. After a while (it always seems way longer then it really is)
Daddy pulled me up and we made out more.(not going into details of kissing cause it's pretty boring)
Then daddy rolled me over onto my back and shoved his cock inside me. He licked my nipples and played with them for a while before he pulled me to the side of the bed and started slowly fucking me. Eventually he pulled me up and flipped me onto my stomach. I crawled up onto my knees and he slipped back in. I love doggy style it always feels soooo good. Daddy slipped a finger into my ass which surprised me. After a little while of that he slipped his cock in some  normally I tell him it's okay to do that and we talk about it before hand. (I like it but it's not something I like doing all the time it does hurt)
It hurt a lot a lot because I wasn't ready so we had to go really really slow but finally it stopped hurting a lot and felt good. He reached up and started playing with me as he fucked my ass and eventually I was screaming and about to explode! Daddy made me ask to cum and as soon as the words left my mouth I couldn't hold off any longer. Thankful be said I could not that it mattered I was already there. Daddy pulled out of my ass and shoved back into my pussy and made me cum two more times before he did.
(For the record not a good idea to just shove your cock in after it's been in someone's ass. Infections and such just a little side note)
Anyway after that I laid on the bed for a while calming down before I was able to go take a shower with daddy.
Now I'm laying on the couch while he plays dark souls 3 for the millionth time but that's okay cause we spend all day today watching my hero academia together and then fucked. Plus it gives me time to write on here.  It's almost midnight and I need to get to bed soon because I have my first softball game tomorrow.
As always please feel free to comment or like this. Hell tell me you think it's stupid I don't care any feed back would be nice! Once again leave a comment telling me of any cool blogs or sites to check it as well. I'll try and have another chapter out soon but I try to avoid writing about our boring everyday lives I mean unless y'all wanna know about going to the grocery store and me cooking dinner lol anyway night guys!!!


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