Chapter 23: Lost It all

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Chapter 23...... Lost it all

*Mia's Point Of View*

Once I heard people come into the room I knew that I was going to be saved. I heard some people talk but I couldn't really make out their voices. One came over and I could hear his breath pick up pace, I knew what they saw was horrid. It may have been me but I knew my body was in such bad shape. I could feel it

"Dave I wouldn't." The one said

I think that was Jet, the officer, because of the voice. It was the same one I heard on the TV. I guess Dave was there and he was going to see what I look like. I don't want him too, I don't want him to see me like this but right now there was no option. Dave came over and I could tell he was hurt, I could just sense it. My mind was still up, my body wasn't though but the little blood I had left was still oozing out of my body, I have lost so much blood, my body was soaked with it

"She has no pulse." One said

He placed two fingers on my neck. Hello! I'm alive still! Please check again, please. I felt a blanket cover me but I knew I wasn't dead but to them I am just a corpse, though no one else did

"We are too late." Jet said

'No you're not help me!' my mind screamed

I couldn't really tell what happened after that because I was fighting to stay awake. I blacked out but when I came to, I could feel my body moving, it felt like I was on a bed, yeah a moving bed, like a cloud. Then I smelt something that reminded me of a hospital but also fresh air, and I heard people talking

"She's got a pulse."

Yes someone who knows I am alive. I felt pressure on my body, I guess to stop the bleeding of what ever was still leaking out of my body

"Her vitals are very weak." One said

I felt someone kiss my forehead and I knew it was Dave. I started to feel alright but then my heart started to go crazy, for reason unknown to me or anyone

"She's going into V-fib."

That is when I felt my body being shocked but I knew my heart had flat lined so why is my mind still active? They shocked me again and that is when my body came alive again. I felt my body being moved shortly after I was revived. I could feel warm bodies surround me but non of they felt like Dave's presence, where was he? But I felt him and smelt him just seconds ago, I could feel myself moving, I guess I was taken away. The farther I go the less I could smell him then there was nothing

"We need to help her." One said

"Mia if you can hear me hang in there okay honey we are going to help you." Someone called

I guess I was put into an ambulance and I was at the hospital. And the person who was talking to me must be a nurse or a doctor. I guess I was put into a room after that then again I blacked out. Soon after I was surrounded by noise but I couldn't open my eyes. It felt like they were glued shut and I couldn't move my body

"We were able to save her, stitched her wounds, give her blood transfusions. But the trama to her body was too much so she is in a coma. She may never wake up."

Wait I am in a coma? Then why is my mind still taking in what is going on around me?

"She might never wake up?" He choked

It was Dave and I could tell he was very upset

"No, it's all my fault."

'Dave it is alright' I said to myself, I wish he could hear me

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