Chapter 24: The Return

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*Flo's pov*

The detectives went on to ask me questions about my life in the past 6 years then once they were done i was brought back to my family. They didn't mention my outburst to anyone but I'm sure it was put in some kind of file.

We were told i could come home after that, a police escort would trail us and another would be set outside of my house. Safety precautions were set in place in case of any mishaps along the way. They explained everything but i zoned out most of it after they said i was going home.


That word makes me smile.

I haven't been home in 6 years. I wonder if it will still smell the same.
"Is my room how i left it?" I ask hopeful.

My mom glances back at me from the passengers seat with a sad smile, "im so sorry Flo. After your funeral i-

"Funeral?" I ask with wide eyes. They thought i was dead. That must be why Tucker has been looking at me like I'm about to disappear. To him, its like im back from the dead.

"It had been years... we thought-

"Im glad you were able to move on. Honest." I say as we pull into the driveway.

"The funeral meant nothing to me, i knew you were still alive." Tucker says suddenly.

This is the first thing ive heard him say since the day i went missing. His voice sounds different, deeper.

"Someone hit puberty." I say softly trying to ease the mood.

He looks over to me with tears in his eyes, "i missed you."

I smile slightly, "i missed you too."

"Are we ready to head inside?" My dad asks as he glances at all the reporters outside.

Their cameras are flashing wildly as they hover around our vehicle. They are like vultures, do they have no respect for other peoples privacy?

"Lets go." Tucker sighs.

We get out of the car in a rush and are immediately swarmed by the reporters.

"How does it feel to be back?!"
"What was it like down there?!"
"Flo over here!"
"Flo can you look over here?!"

I squeeze my eyes shut and clamp my hands over my ears as Tucker guides me through the front door.

Someone nudges my shoulder gently causing me to flinch back.

I open my eyes to see a sad Tucker and my worried parents. The door is now shut and all the curtains are closed allowing me to relax slightly.

My hand moves from my ears to a knot in my hair. I play with it anxiously as i look around the house i grew up in.

Its strange being here again after so long.

Im more familiar with my room at Rays than i am with my room here.

One of my hands trail across the wall gently as i walk down the hallway. My room would be at the end.. i wonder what it is now. It could be an office or maybe a workout room.

My hand rests on the door handle, i hesitate slightly before opening the door.


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