Diane grinned and took a step forward so she was right beside Ace instead of partially behind him. Kerry watched them with a speculative look in her eyes. I knew that word of Ace going out of control and then guarding Diane would create a lot of rumors. I wasn't sure what would shock people more, a rumor that Ace liked Diane as more than a friend, or that the rumor was true.

Roland and Amber strolled over. Roland stopped a bit further away than usual and looked at Ace, "I don't suppose you know the theory behind how we can possibly clean up that field? I am a simple trader and I have no idea how to deal with nine hundred bodies."

Ace still hadn't relaxed, but he answered Roland anyway, "According to the histories, digging huge pits and burning what you can is the best route before burying the remains in that same pit."

Roland made a face, "I will make note of that. We will be choosing a day when the smoke blows the other way. That camp stinks bad enough as it is."

Todd finally saw Diane's arm and took a step towards her, "What did you do to your arm?"

Ace tensed up and Roland snagged Todd's collar before pulling him back. Todd looked at Roland in complete confusion. Amber also wasn't sure what was going on and also watched Roland in surprise.

Roland let go of Todd and inclined his head towards Diane and Ace, "I advise keeping your distance for the time being."

Todd was dumbfounded, "Huh? Why?"

"Ace went out of control when Diane was injured and, judging from his behavior, giving those two a bit of space is the wisest course of action at the moment."

Todd's jaw dropped as he turned to stare at Diane and Ace. I was beginning to feel forgotten, but in situations like this, I preferred to be an invisible witness. Todd blinked a few times before blurting, "When did this happen?"

Diane blushed a bit. Ace narrowed his eyes, but didn't reply as he clearly did not like where this discussion was going. I was surprised he hadn't pulled a disappearing act yet.

Roland found Ace's refusal to speak amusing, "You might as well admit it Ace."

Ace gave him a sour look, but still didn't reply. Roland grinned, "If you continue with that silent treatment, someone is bound to flirt with Diane one day thinking that you don't really want to be in a relationship."

Ace stiffened and sent a glare at Roland that even had him backing up a few steps. I was surprised that Roland didn't have frostbite from that glare. I had never seen Ace look like at someone like that before, even when at Eagle Holding.

Roland chuckled and raised his hands in mock surrender, "I am happily married and I am just trying to give you some good advice."

Ace stopped glaring and nodded slowly, "Yes, we both just realized it a little while ago, so this will take some getting used to."

Roland shrugged, "Everything takes time and rushing is just a recipe for disaster. I truly am happy for you two."

Amber looked excited as she realized what was going on. Kerry grinned as her suspicion was confirmed. Diane looked faintly amused that Roland had blackmailed Ace into admitting it in front of witnesses.

Todd started laughing, "Oh, no one will have seen this coming! We were beginning to think you were scared of women."

Diane snorted, "I wouldn't tease him too much. You would have a very hard time evading both of us if we decided to get revenge."

Todd paled at that thought, "I never thought of that. You are both fighting trainers. Shit. You two are going to be a scary couple." He glanced at Ace, "Can you at least give us warning before coming after us"

Ace looked confused, "Why would I come after you?"

Todd grinned, "Well, considering your love of the dance floor, you may have not noticed that she does occasionally dance with others, and if you decide to get jealous, I need as much warning as I can get."

Ace narrowed his eyes, but Diane started chuckling, "I doubt Ace would get jealous. If he did, then he would have to dance with me."

Ace winced at that thought. I grinned. Yep, nothing had changed there. He still wanted nothing to do with that dancefloor. Todd shook his head, "I will stop teasing you. If I bother you, just tell me. There are plenty of other pretty women around who won't step on my toes while we dance."

Roland sighed and grabbed Todd's arm as he started hauling him away, "Let them get some rest. There are things that need doing and you obviously still have too much energy."

Amber followed them with an amused expression. Kerry chuckled and shook her head as she went back to the nursing area. Ace and Diane looked at each other before grinning at Roland's way of dealing with Todd. We kept heading towards the main cliff section.

Others stopped and talked to us briefly. Word must have spread since they gave us more space than normal. All had heard that Ace had gone out of control and had guarded Diane afterwards. They were happy, although they avoided actually congratulating them or touching on that subject.

Many also inquired as to Diane's injury. It had almost healed by now and just a livid red mark remained. Ace often glanced at it and the glance always made his eyes glow brighter as his Heartfire reacted. He really did not like seeing her injured, even if it had mostly healed.

We eventually made it to the deck, but even there Ace seemed a bit on edge and unable to relax. It wasn't due to Diane, or perhaps in a way it was, but it was because he was being overly protective of her. Ace slid his chair subtly closer to hers as people came and went as they visited. I didn't bother pulling out a boardgame, watching them was far more interesting.

It was as if the overprotectiveness from being out of control was still faintly present. It was more noticeable after he looked at her wound. He didn't really trust anyone enough to approach Diane. Well, other than me, of course. Diane had noticed, but didn't comment. Perhaps she was just waiting for him to relax on his own.

The sun was setting, but the cliff faced east so we never got to see the western sunset unless we went to the top of the cliff. Diane glanced at me, "Ready for a run?"

It was like life was back to normal. I grinned and jumped to my feet, "Yes!"

Ace looked amused as he also stood up. We headed down to the meadow and jogged towards the gate. Someone had managed to remove the welding on the access door, so it was working again. We headed straight for the forest and avoided the field.

Diane was taking routes that the fighters had never touched. I really didn't want to see a dead person up close anyways. This felt almost normal. Our eyes glowed easily in the dark as we ran through the silent forest.

I noticed that Ace was unusually alert and was running closer to Diane than normal. Perhaps his overprotectiveness would fade as Diane's injury disappeared. It had completely closed up, but the red marks took longer to fade, and with an injury that deep, it may take a day or so for it to completely disappear.

We continued running through the night.

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