Chapter 19

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"NICOLE!!" Mom shouts then comes running over to me. She pulls me into a hug. Soon enough Daniel and G are in front of me hugging me as well. Scott pulls everyone off of me and pulls me close to his chest, holding me tightly as he was able to. I know I'm the one that got kidnapped but they all looked like shit. Gisela asks, "Is it really you? I'm not dreaming again am I?" I shake my head and say, "No sis. It's really me. I was apparently a town away from here." Scott looks me in the eyes and asks me, "What happened? I don't remember leaving your side." I take a deep breath. "Well, while G was talking to mom and you and Daniel were talking to dad, I decided to go talk to my biological mother. She actually was there. It shocked me, so I went to ask her why and that's when the David guy got me. He told me, if I screamed he would kill me right then. I didn't want y'all to see that, so instead I went, without fighting." He sighs and kisses the top of my head. Daniel speaks up next asking, "Sis, what did they do to you while you were there?" I bite my lip then say, "Let's sit down first." They nod and we do so then I begin to tell them about John smashing my phone then being punished. I was going to leave out the tape Times until G asks, "Did they do anything sexual to you Nicole?" I could feel babe tense up and I looked at each of them then him and slowly nod. "Yes, they did. Four times only though. The worst thing,  they did to me while I was there was beat me, when I didn't listen." Scott starts crying and pulls me into his lap. "I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry!" He says to me. I shake my head and say, "It's okay love. It isn't nor was it your fault. The main thing is that I escaped and I'm okay." He nods and Daniel says, "Nicole, I'm glad you're okay and back but there is something you should know." I look over at him questioningly. Mom then says, "Well I guess it's my turn. Sweetie, I don't know how to tell you this, but your dad is in the nursing home. He's really sick and your sisters couldn't tend to him properly, while I was at work, so I had no other choice but to have him admitted there. I hope you'll understand." I sigh and ask her, "When can I go see him or is there no visitation? Also how long has he been there and is he being treated right? I won't have my daddy mistreated by anyone." Mom smiles slightly. "No darling. He's being taken good care of while being there. I have made sure of that. He's been there since yesterday morning. You may go see him later today if you're up for it." She tells me. Gisela then speaks up and says, "Mom you said yesterday morning that you were thinking about it. I thought he was upstairs this while time, sick in bed." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry love but while you was out with Daniel for some fresh air, I took him and had him admitted." G then storms up to her room upset with her, slamming the door. Mom then looks at me and says, "I'm sorry Nicole, but it was what's best for the time being. He's been worried about you and had been trying to escape out the back of the facility." I shake my head and stutter, "This...this is a...all my f...fault." Mom cuts me off saying, "No darling, it isn't. Your dad was sick long before this mess even began with. It isn't your fault at all." I get up and tell her, "I want to go see him now. I need the address please. Babe will you go with me, please?" He tells me, "Yes Nic, I'll be more than happy to go with you." Just as we were about to leave the police show up. "Hello. Are you Nicole?" The officer asks me. I nod and respond with, "Yes sir. That would be me." "Ma'am I'm afraid I need you to come with me, down to the station and identify a couple a couple of men for us. We have caught a few men in the act of attempt to kidnap and if they're the ones that abducted you, they will be put away for a long time." He says to me. I agree and leave to go do so. I identify one and four, as the men, right away. They take them back and dismiss me. I leave straight from there to the nursing home. Room 216 is the one I go to. I walk in to see my dad watching basketball. "Who's playing?" I ask him. He smiles over at me and pays the bed beside him. I sit there and watch the game with him. "Chicago Bulls for the win!" I cheer and hug him, gently. He looks so weak. I tell him to get his rest and I'll be back to see him first thing in the morning. He nods and I kiss his forehead before leaving. After walking out the door, I lean against the wall crying my eyes out. Scott holds me, rubbing my back in little circular motions. We leave and go back to my house. Mom allows Daniel and Scott to stay over. About 1 or 2 A.M, Mom gets a call saying that dad has been moved to the hospital due to having a stroke. I grab my keys and go there immediately. The nurse says one person can stay all night and I decided it'll be me since mom has to work later. I grab a pencil and paper and draw a couple of pictures while sitting next to him. As the nurse comes in to get his vital signs, he looks over at me and I notice blood coming out of his eyes. I tear up and look away, not wanting him to see me cry. He goes to sleep shortly afterwards and I sit up, watching him sleep. About 6 in the morning, he wakes up and is able to talk a bit. He says to me, "You should get some sleep. Aren't you tired baby? You've been up all night. You should get some sleep." I tell him, "It's okay daddy. I got an hour, I'm good to go." He says again, "You should get some sleep. You've been up all night. Aren't you tired baby?" He has either Dementia or Old Timers. He is forgetting that he's already said things. The nurse brings him his breakfast and I put salt and pepper on his eggs. I help him sit up on the side of the bed, then I must go. I'm to come back tomorrow. He tells me, "Tell them I have to go to the bank and get you some money. Take Me home with you." I shake my head and tell him I can't. He says, "They will let you. You can sign me out. You're my daughter." I then say, "I can't daddy. I can't. I'm sorry. I love you." I leave out the room hearing him say, "But you're my daughter, but you're my daughter." I break down in the hallway away from his door. I can't do this. I can't stand to see him this way. I can't! I've been with him all morning. I go home to have a late lunch with Scott, Daniel and Gisela. G asks me, "How is he sis?" I shake my head and tell her, "Not good G, not good at all. I don't think he's going to pull through this stroke. As in, I don't think he'll hold on much longer. Especially if he has another one." She lets a tear fall and Daniel comforts her.

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