Chapter 2

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Gisela comes over to my house after school. As we're up in my room, her phone keeps going off. "Damn G. Someone blowing yo ass up." I tell her. She giggles. "It's just Omar asking me out on a date." I say, "Ooooh! Why haven't you said yes yet? You've had the biggest crush on him since I met you, two years ago." She sighs. "I don't know, Nicole." I laugh but stop when I see that she's serious. "Girrrrl! Have you seen him lately?! He got his nose pierced and let his hair grow out some. Hoes like Louise be staring mad hard. You better get it!" She blushes deeply. "Nicole! No! Shhh!" I smile. "G are you a virgin? I'm not sure if I ever asked you that. I only assumed you were because I am as well." Gisela looks at me shocked then says, "No actually I'm not. I lost it to an ex before I met you. I was young and dumb. The douchebag told me he loved me and I believed him. The condom broke or slid off as a matter of fact. He didn't do something right. Oh Nicole. I was so scared I was going to end up pregnant. He bought me the plan B pill that same day and never spoke to me again." I get up off my bed and ask her, "What's that Asshole's name and what's his address?! She grabs me by the hand and makes me sit back down. "Look sis. It happened in the past and I'm okay. No need to go all bad ass on me and hurt the child." I laugh and tell her, "Yeah well he just better stay far away from you permanently." She smiles. "He will. Wait Nicole. You don't have a thing for Omar do you? I know you like Isaiah and only God knows why but do you? Because if you do, I'll back off. I don't want to lose you over a boy." I bust out laughing uncontrollably. I laugh so hard I fall off the bed and almost pee myself. As I come out of the bathroom, I see her replying to a text. "To answer your question G. Yes, I have taken notice to his appearance, but it's nothing more to it. Hell, I'm not even attracted to him like that. Sure he's far from ugly, but I can't bring myself to think of him anymore than a friend, a brother even. That's only if I knew him better." I tell her. Gisela jumps up and hugs me. "That's good! Because I just told him yes to going on a date with him tomorrow night." "Yassssssss! Girl you better go!" I tell her. She says, "I don't have anything to wear though. Not nice at least. Mom got fired the other day and is still looking for a new job close by." I frown. "I'm sorry love. Help yourself to my closet. Anything is available to you since we wear the same size." She smiles then runs over to my walk in closet. I say loudly enough she can hear me, "If you don't see anything you like, I'll take you to the mall. Money matters not to me, You do." Five minutes later Gisela walks back into my room. "Thanks but what about this?" She asks while holding a short black dress and black pumps. I smile and tell her to try it on. After she does, she stares at herself in my body length mirror. "You think he would like it?" I answer her question with, "No hun. I think he'll love it." She whispers, "I hope so." then takes it back off. Yawning, I look at the time. 9 P.M. "Hey G, you want to stay over? It's getting late." She says, Sure. So we walk downstairs to ask my dad, "Hey dad. Can Gisela stay over tonight?" He shakes his head looking at her and turns around walking out the door. Before he's gone completely he says, "Sure Nic but don't sit up to late. Y'all have school in the morning." I tell a thank you and we go back to my room. Gisela looks at me puzzled. "What was that all about?" "What was what?" I ask her confused. She then says, "The whole shaking his head and walking out. I don't get it and it confuses me. Does he not like me or something now?" I sigh. "No G. He loves you. I promise! He's probably just stressed with work and my mom or something." She says okay as I hand her a change of clothes. "Lets get some sleep." I tell her. She agrees til she remembers something. "Nice tomorrow is Lazy Day at school! What are we wearing?" I tell her before drifting off, "Whatever you want." I heard her say sweats and jordans before I was completely out. 5:45 A.M came way to soon and it was time to get up. I let her take a shower first as I laid out outfits out. She was going to wear a black halter top short with grey sweats and black and white jordans. My outfit consisted of a white tank top, grey sweats, my red Alabama beanie and red, black and white shoes. After she finishes, she gets dressed waiting for me to finish my shower. As I stepped out, I hear her say, "I think we should wear our hair in messy buns. By the way, I love the outfit you chose for me." I tell her, "I plan to wear my beanie but a messy bun would top your look off." We eat a bowl of cereal with dad for a quick breakfast. He however, had sausage and toast with orange juice. We finish minutes later only to be stopped by dad. "Nicole. Gisela." He starts to say. "I know dad, be safe and have a good day." I cut him off. He smiles down at us. "Yes please do, but as I was saying, in the next few days or so, I want to sit down and talk to you two about something. I have a surprise for you both as well, since I missed your birthdays." Gisela speaks up first. "Dad it's fine. It's April and mine was in January. Nicole's was last month in March, towards the end, but doesn't want anything as well." "That's right!" I say. He tells us we're growing up to fast and to go catch the bus. Waiting as well as Isaiah, he ignores me the whole bus ride to school. Probably because G was with me. As soon as she goes to her locker, he walks up to me. "Hey slut. Where did your little side kick go?" When I don't answer him, He says, "You're nothing without her!" I begin to tear up. "Isaiah you don't mean that or any of this." "Yes I do!" He says back getting angry. I then open my big mouth again. "You used to be a momma's boy. What happened?" He turns red. "What did you just call me?!" I whisper, "A momma's boy." He grabs me by my hair, knocking my beanie off and slams me hard against the lockers. "Never call me that again or you'll be sorry!" Ashley, the school gossip girl and snitch, tries to help me up but I tell her to just find Gisela. Scott sees me in the floor with blood dripping from my head. He picks me up bridal style and carries me to the nurse. The bell rings for class but he sits still. "Nicole what happened?" He asks me. I sigh. "I guess since we're friends I can tell you. I've been getting bullied every since school started this year." He hugs me gently and asks who it is. I shake my head. "I...I can't tell you that." He looks me in the eyes. "Nicole, I want to help you. I want to protect you. I don't like seeing you like this." I ask him why he cares so much but just as he was about to answer, the nurse walks in and tells him to get to class. He tells me, "Another time Nic another time." As the nurse is bandaging my head up I sit wondering what he meant and how he called me Nic. No one except my dad calls me that at times. Not even Gisela. I explained what happened and she tells me the same thing my best friend did. I need to tell someone before it gets worse. I get excused to go home for the day and text G to come over later, so I could help her get ready for her date with Omar. Hours later, Gisela is in front of me dressed and applying her makeup. We curl her hair and finish just as Omar rings my doorbell. Exactly at 7 P.M, He's on time. Just as they begin to leave, I tell him, "I want her home by 9. Not a minute later. I will be calling her." He chuckles. "Yes mom." G mouths a thanks before getting into his car. He takes her to a nice restaurant and has small talk. "Gisela, You look beautiful tonight." He tells her. She blushes. "Thanks Omar." He says, "Hey do you think..." She asks what and he says, "Nothing. I can't do it... Scott likes y..."

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