Chapter 12

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As Raylin, G and I are watching our movie, the door bell rings. Gisela and I look at each other confused. "Who would be here at 9:30 at night?" I look out the peep hole to see no one there. Thinking it was a prank, I go and sit back down. Three or four minutes later it rings again. G gets up with me this time grabbing a baseball bat. I look out once again and tell her no one is there. I decide to open the door anyways. There on the door step was a vase of white roses and a note. I quickly grab them, then shut and lock the door. Gisela says, "Awwe your favorite besides blue ones; I wonder who sent them." She reads the card and her eyes go wide in fear. I ask her, "What is it sis?" She stutters, "H...have you gotten an...any more n...notes?" I think for a minute, then remember the one on my car a few days back. "Yeah, one a couple days ago but I figured it was just Isaiah messing with me, so I stuck it in my glove compartment but later on put it in my binder. Why?" I ask her. She shakes her head, running upstairs. I find her in my room crying with the notes in her hands. "Nicole!" She cries out. I look at her questioningly. "What is it G? What do they say?" She hands me the first one. It says:

You won't be daddy's little girl to much longer. Watch your back!

I reach for the second one only for it to say, *I'm coming for you and there is nothing going to stop me," signed with a J again. Gisela hugs me crying. "Who is J Nicole?" She asks me. "I'm not sure G. Maybe someone dad knows. I'll ask him tomorrow. Tonight while him and mom are gone, I want you and Raylin to sleep on the other side of the house just in case." I tell her before she cries out, "No! We are going to sleep in your room with you. Nothing is going to happen. I won't let them take you without a fight! I won't allow it!" I shake my head. 'G, I need you and Ray to be safe and okay. This is something I must deal with on my own. If they are to get me for whatever reason, I need my sisters out of danger." She hugs me tighter. "But Nicole. We need our big sister to be safe and okay too!" I wipe her tears away and tell her, "It's going to be okay hun, Don't worry so much." "You promise?" She asks me. "I promise." I tell her. We go back downstairs to find Raylin asleep on the sofa. I carry her upstairs to my bed and talk to G about Scott and Daniel. Yeah her and Omar broke up after she caught him kissing Louise. Come to find out Daniel has always had a crush on her since Junior year but never had the courage to tell her. We talk until she falls asleep. About 1 A.M I heard mom and dad come in. Not being able to sleep, I run to them starting to cry. He asks me what's wrong and I explain all that has happened. He pulls me into a big hug and tells me to wait down in his business room for him. I begin to look around at the books on his shelves. Most were romance novels. He coughs as he enters the room, getting my attention. "Sit down Nic." He tells me. I sit in one of the big chairs in front of his desk. He takes a deep breath then says, "Nicole, I'm so sorry. I've gotten you into this mess. I thought they would give up but apparently they have changed their minds and haven't. I'm going to protect you as long as I can." I look at him. "Dad what do you mean? You know the guy that's been sending the notes?" He nods his head. "Yes darling I do. His name is John. He s the leader of a gang. The Devils. I wouldn't join growing up, so he threatened to take away my family. You weren't suppose to make it. Your mother was supposed to "fall" and have a miscarriage along with her own death. I thought I paid them off enough but apparently it's now not enough for him." I cut him off. "But I've been getting the notes. Why not just grab me then?" He then tells me. "That's not how he plays. He's sends his messenger, David until he feels the time is right then he will get you and do as he pleases, until I give in." I begin to cry. "But how?! When?!" He gets up, walking to me and engulfs me into a big hug. "I don't know princessa, but I'm going to do all I can to prevent this. I'll try to make them go away again." I nod and ask him with all seriousness, "Dad have you ever killed someone?" He takes a deep breath then says, "Yes baby girl I have. I'm not proud of it but I have. My mom was killed when I was fairly young and my dad was never around. I never met him in fact. When I had the chance, I found the man that killed your grandmother and took him out as well. At the age of fourteen I was alone out in the streets. I had to raise myself and teach myself how to be a man. When I met your mother is when I decided to get out of that lifestyle and they didn't like the idea. I gave my power to someone under me and paid them off. Now this is happening and I'm worried for your safety. If you want we can move. We can leave here and never look back. I could also send you away for a year or so til I get this straightened out." I shake my head. "No! No! No! I won't leave Scott nor my family!"

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