Chapter Twenty-five

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A/N - Look who posted twice in one day!


Prem (aka Kongpob's previous life )

Korn's back was against his chest.  Prem was hugging Korn tightly.  It was the most incredible feeling he had ever experienced.  He kissed Korn's bare shoulder.

"Korn, let's go back to the temple before anyone notices we are gone."

"No!  I don't want to move."

"Do you want my parents to find us like this?"

Korn sat up straight in a flash looking for his clothes.

Prem smiled scanning Korn's body.  "You are beautiful."

Korn stared at Prem in disbelief.  "You don't have to be cheesy.  You already got me," he said.

"I mean it!"

"Well don't say things like that!"

 Korn's blushing face made Prem laugh in glee.



"I love you."


"Ai Prem, you know you aren't fooling anyone," one of his classmates hissed at him.

Prem and Korn pretended nothing had changed between them at school.  They knew their relationship would not be accepted in this small town.

Prem wasn't sure what his friend was talking about.  But it made him slightly uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's not the art kid who is a fag.  It's you!"

Prem glared at him.  Before he could come up with a response, his friend continued to taunt him.

"I have seen you follow him when you think no one's watching.  All this time we thought it was him.  But he is with Aom.  I have seen them hang out a lot at school.  It's amazing how you tricked us.  Not anymore though.  You disgust me!  I don't want to be in the same class as you.  Do you check out the boys in the changing rooms too?"

Prem gritted his teeth.

"Fuck off.  You don't know anything about me."  Prem pushed his chair back loudly and stood up.  "If you spread ridiculous rumors, I will make sure you pay for it," he said angrily.  

The entire class stared at Prem in surprise.  He was the most diplomatic person in the class.  He never lost his temper.

He knew even if his classmate Per gossiped about him he had no way to prove Prem's relationship with Korn.  What had set him off was the comment about Korn hanging out with Aom enough to make others think they were together.  Even he had noticed their budding new friendship.  Korn hardly hung out with anyone other than him.

Prem felt vulnerable and insecure.  He even confronted Korn about it.  Korn had found his jealousy amusing.  He wasn't used to sharing Korn with anybody.  He knew it was unfair for him to be jealous given the fact almost everyone in their grade was friends with him.  To Prem, they were merely acquaintances.  Not real friends.

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