Chapter Nineteen

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A/N - Sorry I got a bit late. Direct all complaints at JustCMe. I would have updated sooner, but he has been distracting me!

EDIT - song suggested by the lovely @FF_viewer <3 



Toota had confronted Arthit first thing in the morning.

"Are you going to do it?  Are you going to ask Kongpob?"

Arthit sighed, "Don't be ridiculous.  Of course not!"

"Then what are we doing?  Use Prem?"

"First of all, we are not doing anything, and no we are not going to use Prem."

"Fine, you have a valid point.  Why bother finding out if your destined soulmate is right in front of you?  Who in their right mind would do that right?"


"No... I'm cool with it.  Anyway, Bright has been flooding me with messages all weekend.  So make sure we have the same story."

Arthit had been reading 'Prem's' diaries.  It had been a painful experience.  The love Prem had for Korn left him speechless.  Reading it only increased Arthit's doubts.  Kongpob had someone else in his life.  If Kongpob was Prem from his past, how could he have forgotten a love like theirs?

There was no mention about Korn's death in the diaries.  It seemed as if Prem had stopped writing after Korn died.  Arthit wondered what Prem went through after his death.

Arthit still didn't understand his feelings about the situation.  To know there was a man who loved him dearly in his past life.  To have evidence that he had existed not too long ago.

Arthit found out the stories behind each and every item he found in the box.

To think Kongpob could be that person was beyond him.  He did feel a certain attraction towards the freshman.  He stared at the drawing from twenty-four years ago.

Prem did not forget to elaborate each and every one of his feelings about the picture.

He didn't know if Korn knew any of it.  But it had made Arthit happy.

Korn was loved.  He was loved.


Toota once again decided to taunt him during lunch.  Arthit didn't want to admit that he had been waiting for Kongpob.  Toota took the seat next to him.

"Where is your food?" Toota asked him.

"I didn't get any yet.  I'm not hungry," Arthit lied.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

"No... I was just zoning out."

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