Chapter Five

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A/N - Warning for mentions for homophobic slurs.  It was kind of necessary.  Sorry.


Kongpob wasn't sure why Arthit was avoiding him.  As far as he knew he hadn't done anything to offend the senior.  He just wanted to help.  Was Arthit embarrassed because he found out about his little crush on Prem?  Kongpob made a face.  What did Arthit see in that asshole anyway?  Arthit's answer about not being sure if he still liked Prem didn't make Kongpob feel any better.  How was he supposed to help Arthit if he still cared about Prem?

"Kong!  What are you thinking about?" Pai's voice had broken his chain of thought.  

He smiled at his girlfriend, "Nothing... what do you want to do today?"

"Kong, I want to talk to you about something."

He couldn't read Pai's expression.  "Sure, what is it?"

"Are you alright?  You seem to be spaced out for the past couple of days."

"Of course I am!  Don't worry about me."

"Also, I found this on your desk."

She took out the little sketch he had drawn. The picture of the man in his dreams.

"What is this?" she asked concerned.

"I don't know how to explain.  It's this man I keep seeing in my dreams.  Sometimes it's the same dream where he is reaching out to hold my hand, and his fingers keep slipping out of mine.  It's like a nightmare."

Pai looked thoughtful.  "Do you think it means something?"

"I'm not sure.  It's like he is trying to tell me something."

"Have you seen this man before?"

Kongpob wasn't sure if he should tell Pai about Arthit.  "There is this senior... but I don't know if it's him for sure."

Pai stared at him uncertainly.  "Kong... I'm not getting a good feeling about this."

Kongpob reached out and engulfed Pai in a hug.

"Don't worry; I'm sure it's nothing."


Arthit screamed at him.  It hadn't bothered Kongpob as much as it had bothered Pai.

"That was the senior you were talking about?" she asked after Arthit left.


"He didn't seem pitiful at all!  Why did he yell at you?"

Kongpob looked at the figure walking away.

"I think he has his reasons," and I intend to find out, he told himself.


Kongpob was falling backward.

Kongpob woke up sweating; his throat was dry.  He tried to recall the vision he had.

["You did us a favor by killing the fag."

"We don't want people like you!"

"Why don't you join him?"]

Kongpob wiped his face with his hand.  There were tears.  Why was he seeing things like this?  He was completely clueless.


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