
The women sat quietly in the barrister's office as the door opened and Mr. Johnston rose. "Ah, the last of our party, Mr. Whitehouse do come in." Every hackle on Miss Benning's body rose to attention as Charles moved through the room and offered his hand to Mr. Johnston then turned to face the seated women and bowed, "Miss Benning, Mrs. Whitehouse. Janet I am exceedingly sorry," Miss Benning cut his words like a knife, "Do not address her so informally Mr. Whitehouse and do not dare speak of Mr. Grant as your speech would only foul his memory." "Hush your tongue woman I speak not to you," growled Charles. "Mr. Whitehouse. Miss Benning," bellowed Mr. Johnston silencing the adversaries. "Mr. Whitehouse if you would please take a seat we may begin." Charles sat as the three turned their attention to Mr. Johnston.

"The Last Will and Testament of Sir William Montgomery Grant." Mr. Johnston cleared his throat as Miss Benning took hold of Janet's trembling hand. The barrister looked over the table and fixed his eyes upon Charles, "It is Mr. Grant's wish that Mr. Whitehouse receive his London home." Charles sat straight and grinned towards Miss Benning who drew up her chin and ignored the look. "It is further the wish of Mr. Grant that Mr. Whitehouse receive a living of one thousand pounds per annum." Mr. Johnston removed his spectacles and laid them carefully on his desk, "The house shall be conveyed in a fortnight once Mrs. Whitehouse has been afforded the opportunity to remove any contents she so chooses as per Mr. Grant's wishes."

Charles' mouth fell slightly open and his back stiffened, "That is all?" Miss Benning turned to face him with animosity, "All? Anything is too kind to you Mr. Whitehouse," she exclaimed before being silenced again by Mr. Johnston. "Yes, Mr. Whitehouse that is the extent to which you are referred in Mr. Grant's Will." Charles bristled, "Gainsley is to be mine as well, by law, Mr. Johnston." "Why you arrogant bastard," cried Miss Benning. "It is past time a man teach you some respect woman and when to hold your tongue you foul-mouthed cretin," Charles shot in retort. "Do you not recall the last time you were at Gainsley Mr. Whitehouse? Oh! please do come again." "Enough," cried Janet. The room's occupants were stunned into silence.

Mr. Johnston took control of the room once more, "Mr. Whitehouse if you would be so kind as to visit my associate down the hall, he will make the necessary arrangements." Charles sat, his hands gripping the arms of the chair, "A thousand pounds per annum is nothing, you can see that Mr. Johnston, there must be more, in decency what man can hold a family on such a small fortune?" Miss Benning's mouth opened to rail upon Charles once more but was halted by Janet's touch upon her arm.

"And of what family do you speak Mr. Whitehouse," said Janet's small voice. Charles turned to his wife but said nothing. "I have held my tongue. I have spoken no ill of you Mr. Whitehouse yet I cannot say the same of you." Charles' brow lifted and Janet smiled, "Yes I have heard many things even so far as I am from Town. You are a filthy man, a sinful man and a deceitful man. My Father championed your cause when you first cast me off in London. He said men needed some time to settle themselves and I should be patient. He said you were a gentleman and would make me a fine husband. He came to see the error of his words. Yet all you saw of him or I was opportunity. I was so naïve as to believe you even loved me once." Charles stood violently and began to move towards the woman but she stopped him with her hand, "No," she exclaimed and turned towards Mr. Johnston, "I shall have legal representation here and a witness to take account of my words. I cast you off Mr. Whitehouse. I demand legal separation as my reparation for your adultery and abandonment."

Charles' face flushed red as his mouth worked trying to find words. Mr. Johnston rose and moved around his desk, "Shall I show you to my assistant now Mr. Whitehouse?" The barrister placed an arm on Charles' shoulder and guided him towards the door. When the women were alone Miss Benning took Janet in her arms and whispered softly to her, "I am so proud, so very proud of you."

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