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Ewan arrived at Sheffield three days past Christmas to bid farewell to Wimbley and LaCroix. He found them at a game of chess in the drawing room. Ewan poured a brandy and sat to watch the remainder of their game. "Where is Miss Benning?" he queried. "Mademoiselle has gone to the village Monsieur but she shall return for dinner," answered LaCroix. Wimbley finally made his move then sat back in his chair and took a sip from his glass. "Do you not think it is about time Donal?" The man was adorned with his customary wry smile. "Stay out of this Wimbley, have I not told you?" chided LaCroix as he examined the board. "Oh! Phillipe they are my friends, I have told you." "Oui and I have told you that sometimes you are as bad as Madam Devoux." "Pa! the hag claimed to be a matchmaker. I make no claim other than that of a friend," cried Wimbley. "Ah and a friend should know when to keep his big nose out of their business," LaCroix said as he made a tactful move, "Check." Wimbley threw himself forward towards the board, "It cannot be so," he gasped as LaCroix sat back, a satisfied smirk on his face.

Ewan laughed softly at the men and took the lull in conversation to task, "What, pray tell, Wimbley is it about time for me to do?" LaCroix threw up his hand in a desperate attempt to wave off Ewan's question, "Do not bait him Donal, you will never hear the end." Wimbley batted away LaCroix's hand, "nonsense." Turning to Donal he stated simply, "to ask Ace to marry you of course." LaCroix extravagantly rolled his eyes, "Mon Dieu and there it is, Madam Devoux." Wimbley cut the man a sharp look then focused again on Ewan. Several minutes passed as Ewan looked at his friend, thinking on his words but unsure what to say. Wimbley laughed, "You are in trouble." "Though it happens rarely I must agree John." "Ha!" Wimbley burst out, "Madam Devoux indeed." "Settle yourself you silly man," said LaCroix smiling at Wimbley, "It is just that I now see, you are in love with Miss Benning and there is but one cure for that as Wimbley has thus stated, marriage."

"And what of the two of you then, you are not married?" Ewan exclaimed. Wimbley's brow drew up as he lifted his glass to his mouth. LaCroix did not share his same wariness, "May be not in the eyes of the law nor even in the sight of God, though I do hope he subscribes to the doctrine that love is blind, but between ourselves we have committed to each other, we are married." Ewan finished his drink in a swallow, stood, refilled his glass, took the second as quick and refilled again before returning to the table. Once seated he looked from one man to the other for several minutes then finished his drink again in one swallow. Sitting the glass on the table he spoke, "You are right, it is time." His companions looked at each other in bewilderment for several moments before Wimbley spoke, "And you heard Phillipe Donal?" Ewan nodded. "And you heard the marriage bit?" Ewan nodded. "And the law part?" Ewan nodded. "And the God part?" Wimbley and LaCroix stared at him with surprised expressions as he quietly started to laugh. "Aye Wimbley, I am not deaf, man, do you want congratulations, a party perhaps? Well, you have my full congratulations and I am sure Mrs. Culvert would be most excited to throw the two of you a party. As for the rest, you have been a friend to me for many years and I have known LaCroix now for more than two. What the two of you do between yourselves is none of my concern, you shall remain my friends, are we clear?" The men's conversation was concluded as the drawing room door opened.


Miss Benning and Ewan watched as their friends' carriage pulled away from Sheffield. "Are you returning to Gainsley now?" she asked without averting her eyes from the diminishing carriage. "Walk with me," he said matter-of-factly as he took up her arm her led them towards the stable. "I have not spent a night away from Emma since her mother passed." "I did not know," she said looking towards him. "You are a good father to her Mr. Donal." Ewan looked down on her and she saw sadness pass through him, "I only wish she had her mother. I cannot be both and a girl needs a mother does she not?" She cleared her throat trying to lighten her voice, "I do not know, I think I turned out alright with only a father." They continued to the stable in silence.

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