Chapter 7

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Stacy's POV

This is stupid. I thought.

Why do we have rules and chores?

I told Lizzy I was going to follow the rules but lets see what would really happen.

I doubt that they would actually hurt us. I mean why would they kidnap their

Daughters, then hurt them.

That day I was sitting in my room, Lizzy was in the kitchen.

I didn't shower that day, or brush my teeth. I had a mountain full of food everywhere.

I was painting my nails when Lizzy's father came in.

" what's that awful smell? Are you-" he stopped and looked at me painting my

Nails. " close the cap now and stop eating. Are you crazy? Where did you even get the

nail Polish?" I didn't respond.

"Hello?" I still didn't say anything.

I was breaking lots of rules.

I was breaking the...

Don't eat too much or to little rule,

No nail Polish,

Take shower and brush your teeth,

And I wasn't responding.

His face turned red.

" listen to me, I don't want to punish you. Go take a shower before I get really mad!"

He threatened.

I didn't move, I just kept on painting my nails and blowing on them.

He brought his hand down and the nail Polish went flying.

I didn't even look up. I just put another chip into my mouth and used the

Rest of the Polish that was still on the brush in my hand.

"Are you trying to make me mad?!?!" He yelled

I was going to run out of the room but Lizzy came in.

" Stacy what are you trying to prove?" She asked me.

I spoke to her " that we shouldn't be treated this way."I said.

He got really mad since I was talking to Lizzy but not him.

He marched forward towards me. I finally looked up at him.

He grabbed me by my hair. "OW OW OW!!!" I screamed.

" oh now your talking to me?!" He yelled.

He threw me into the wall. It hurt really bad. I sank to the ground.

Lizzy tried to stop him by grabbing him by the arm bit that did no help.

He elbowed her in the nose and she fell to the floor with me.

Her nose started to bleed.

He put his attention back to me.

" stand up, you fool!" He yelled.

I stood up slowly. I was too afraid to disobey now.

He brought his arm back and then forward full speed.

His fist burst into my stomach. I was winded.

I took deep breaths, trying to stand but I felt to dizzy.

I fell back to the floor.

He started kicking me in the stomach, face, and leg.

But then I herd the door swing open. I thought I'd never be so happy to see

My father walk into the house.

" what the- what are you doing to my baby?!" He pushed him back and cradled me.

I saw Lizzy crying which made me want to cry... I did start to cry.

KidnappedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora