The Strange boy

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The petite girl (of 5 and 3/4) looked up from her artificially blue ice - bubblegum. The girl always got bubblegum, her dad had banned the actual gum type from the house. The colour of it was almost as bright as the April sun, beating down like a drum. Her mom had been waving a fan erratically in the direction of her face for 2 hours and 37 minutes (ever since lunchtime at precisely  midday, noon 12PM. Her dad was almost as much a stickler for regular routine as he was for punctuality.)

The girl peered into the lion cage to look down at the majestic beast. There was a certain allure to it. She wasn't sure whether it was the large hazel eyes or the shimmering gold of it's fur. The pull made the girl feel uncomfortable and out of control.

As she turned around, she saw the back of another lion, just this one wasn't separated by 7.54 metres and a fence.

Donuts, she cursed to no-one in particular.

But then the girl looked again, and on closer inspection...

It was just a boy...

In a lion suit?

He looked really cute in it - he was obviously rich as this suit was good. Even she, 'the child prodigy' as her parents liked to put it, thought it was real.

She was still staring as the boy whipped his head around to face her.

"Hey!" He greeted.

"Hey bozo!" The girl teased. "Watch it! I thought your suit was the real deal!"

The boy giggled. A good sign, the girl thought. And it was - most people her age were put off by her rude banter and bluntness.

"So what's your name?" She asked.

"Clancy." He stated, "What's your's?"

"I can't tell you that! It's confidential." She dropped her voice down to a dramatic stage whisper, "I'm a spy!"

"Aww no fair! Come on tell me!"

"You have to to promise not to tell anyone!"

"I won't."

"I'm being serious here!" She pouted. "Trust me - if you tell anyone, I will... I will..."

The boy pointed at two enclosures in the near distance. "Dangle me over that pit of wolves over there or feed my toes to those crocodiles. I won't blab."

"Okay then." The girl replied.

She wandered back over to the lion enclosure, but this time she was swinging her legs as she perched on the railing.

"My name is Ruby. But you can call me Agent Redfort."

Ruby Redfort: Don't Look AroundWhere stories live. Discover now