Chapter 6

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Days passed since your encounter with tad strange you occasionally wave hi to the goat while he is doing his own thing but usually someone gives you a glare witch makes you feel uncomfortable. You worked at the shack but had time to other things occasionally or when dipper or mable pulls you away for something and today was dipper.

Dipper "h-hey (y/n) mable was wanting me to ask you if you want to go to pacifica's party tonight"

You herd someone face palm you shot your eyes towards to the sound

Dipper "you can say no I'm perfectly fine with that"

Your eyes slowly came back to dipper

(y/n) " sure, but not in a romantic way ok? "

Dipper "ok got it just chill"

(y/n) "yep pretty much"

Soon you, mable and her friends were decorating eachother for the party witch you were the one that made that helped them not look so tacky or wacky and they seemed to learn some make up tips from you as well even though there were pretty basic. Later at the party you and dipper were chilling at least you can tell dipper is trying his hardest to where it almost looked normal for him soon a group of snobs came over and looked at dipper

Girl 1 "wow you seem like a cool guy what's your name? "

Dipper "it's dipper"

Girl 2 " hey wanna goin us we need a cool guy like you in our group "

(y/n) " nah dudes he's hanging out with me"

Girl 3 " oh wow look at this rag"

All girls "oowned! "

(y/n) "seriously.. That's pathetic tramp"

Soon the girls looked at eachother then angry at you witch made you regret

Girl 1 " filth please just go in the trash where you nobody's go"

Girl 3 "yeah before I get my servants to take you out trash"

There were pulling dipper away then I grabbed the girls arm

(y/n) " I told you I'm hanging out with him"

You gave the girl a death glare with cause her to lean In to dipper

Girl 1 " do you honestly hang out with this crazy person? "

Dipper knew he had a choice of popularity or his friends now you hoped friends since because they went though the weirdmageton together.

Dipper " not anymore.. "

He sayed as he walked away with the girls witch they started to giggle witch it filled your mind tearing you apart. Dipper didn't trust you even though you know him longer than he knows you. Maybe that's the reason why. you were sad and the girls horrible comments echo in your head with the giggles. You ran outside and sat the covered side door. It was raining that night your sadness faded Into hatred your mind could only think about destruction and what you could do. you remember that before the party you found the paper ball on the floor and picked up to give it back to dipper at the party but you decided to look at the page it was the same as always you stare at with a firey passion later dipper came out rubbing his arm

Dipper " look sorry (y/n) about earlier I should of picked you instead of those snobs"

(y/n) " oh so you apologize now! You know that your such a jerk at first I thought ' hey (y/n) dipper seems like a fun guy let's not reject him on this offer ' but now I'm regretting it! all you care about is your mystery's! You don't care about considering my emotions your as sick as Bill cipher!

Dipper "h-how can y-you remember his name! Ford's machine"

(y/n) "well that machine doesn't work on me! So I can remember his name, well Bill, Bill, Bill! "

Soon a familiar laughter filled the air and everything turned grey you and dipper started to look to see where the laughter came from then in front of the porch a black triangle formed into bill just like the first time you saw him

Bill "well well well look who we have here pine tree it's been a year since I seen you and I see that puberty didn't hit you that hard" he laughs

Bill zipped to you

Bill "and my re-existing is all thanks to you. And my you look beautiful here"

He sayed it in a way that was surprised (probably that you turned out to be a girl) and sly at the same time witch made you feel guilty and scared Bill floated up

Bill "well now, back to business!"

He disappeared and then you and dipper jolted up looking at eachother with a worried face of what they unleashed on gravity falls

-end chapter-

Tug Of War (bill cipher x reader x tad strange)Where stories live. Discover now