Chapter 1

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You were just texting your friend on your bed like what you do daily

(y/n): hey I saw u with a new pet today what's the little Cutie pies name?😉

(f/n): I call him bill

(y/n): ? 

(f/n): bill cypher you know from gravity falls duh I named him that because he is yellow like him and also mistivious

(y/n): ugh! I feel so dumb I cannot believe I just forgot about that show I love it

(f/n): well don't blame yourself it has been a long time since the finale ended, trust me it started to become a cringe between me and (another friend)😒

(y/n): yeah your right

(f/n): oh crap, bill peed allover my floor gtg

(y/n): mistivious indeed 😆

Soon you received another text thinking that your friend was back from the accidental potty break

๒ⅰレレςⅰㄕサ∑Я: hey, you remember me?      

(y/n): who the heck is this I'm going to delete your number!

As you head to delete the number the screen was frozen your eyes shot open

๒ⅰレレςⅰㄕサ∑Я: look I don't need you to do that. It takes a lot of planning to do something like this!    
๒ⅰレレςⅰㄕサ∑Я: I need your help whoever you are. You know me, and your going to set me free! Got it!

You tried to turn off your phone thinking it was going to get a virus soon your phone got extremely hot and it turned red and you dropped it on the floor the screen was black you were in panic and intensity soon red circles popped out. you went to the other side of your head as far away as possible, but then shadow hands burst through your phone they were feeling around the room until one found you and grabbed you and pulled you into your phone surrounded by darkness you had blocked out...

-end chapter-

Tug Of War (bill cipher x reader x tad strange)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat