Chapter 3

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It had been a few minutes since soos left to go get dipper and mable so you got to snooping but not in fords lab because you're knew it wasn't safe, but it was tempting you explored everything until you found dippers book and started reading it in was exactly like the one you purchased a long time ago except it had real leather but the only thing that was different between the real and the copy was the real had the bill cypher page missing it was torn out. But why? You soon herd the car move in. you quickly put the book back and went down stairs sitting in the chair quietly

Soos " thanks mable for the hat I love it, oh and by the way there is someone I want you to meet"

Soon you saw dipper and mable in front of your eyes they were both pulling there luggage mable dropped hers and ran towards you and shaked your hand like crazy

Mable " hi I am mable wanna be my friend! "

Dipper came over and grabbed mable on her shoulder.

Dipper "stop mable your scarring her"

(y/n) " it's ok I would like to be your friend mable"

You gave them a warm cute smile

Mable "oh and I almost forgot this is my brother dipper"

She sayed while giving dipper jazz hands you giggled at mable's dramatic and yet not so serious actions that was the best part of her witch you liked.

Dipper "yeah that's me.. "

Soon dipper left you and mable alone while he unpacked. During this time you and mable talked about eachother what she sayed was stuff you already know, so you simply nod yes at everything she and you told mable about you not having a place to stay and mable gasp with her hands on her cheeks.

Mable "you can stay here! There was an extra bed we can put up in our room! "

You thanked her and with soos' help. the bed was placed between dipper and mable's beds witch your bed was more smaller than there's that night you fell a sleep trying hard not to toss or turn witch ment falling on the floor. Tomorrow morning you woke up and had breakfast with dipper, mable, and soos. dipper and soos had a regular breakfast while mable had a small stack of waffles with decorating pink sugar and whip cream on top witch you smile because that was so her. later that day you and mable were playing in the leafs of last fall you were hiding in a stack of leafs waiting for mable to come into your trap. Just as you saw something you pounced.

(y/n) "rawr!"

Stan "oh so this is the little free loader"

His voice was sarcastic you realize you were hugging grunkle Stan and back off.

(y/n) "oh uh, sorry i-i"

Stan "it's ok kido I'm not going to kick out a sweet kid as you"

You smiled and then turned to mable.

Mable "wow I didn't expect you to be in the leafs, but this is my uncle witch I call him grunkle Stan"

(y/n) " well nice to meet you grunkle Stan! "

Stan "well it's ok if you call me that if you want, but the thing is you work here if you want to live here, ok? "

(y/n) "understood"

You sayed as you saluted him he chuckled and walked away. for the rest of the day you played with mable, and her showing you around everything dipper tagged along half way though seeing how much fun it looked and the great day ended.

-chapter end-

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