Chapter 18: New

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I'm not sure what to make of this right now, besides the fact that I have no experience in hosting or whatsoever, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to deal with people who'll constantly ask me about my parents.

It was all okay for a minute when suddenly Rachel walked up to us. Obviously she's pissed about something.

She just stood there beside the table and put her hands on her hips.
"WHAT is your problem?" I said. Everyone's attention focused on us.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you? Y.O.U! I'm supposed to be the school's new face!" She yelled.

"How's that my problem?" I calmly said.

"You know, since you got here, everything went wrong. The school's a mess because of you." She slammed her fist on the table.

"Funny, you should say that, wasn't it you who told reporters who I am? It was, wasn't it? I don't know what your problem is with me but we're grown ups now. I'm not sure, maybe it's because of your dad who's the vice chairman, or maybe you're just insecure or better yet...jealous?" I raised my eyebrow which probably got on her nerves. Joy cautiously tried to shut me up.

"How dare you---" Rachel was about to yell at me informs of the entire school but then a joy stood up.

"You know Joy, everyone knows now that Valentine decided to hide this part of herself, but have you ever thought about the fact that besides that, we like her more than you. Even if it's the other way around, but if Val is still Val, we'd never change our mind about her. So stop being such a jerk and walk away." She said.

I don't know about anything else, but I think it's probably a good idea if I switch roommates. This could be really messy since both of us just established that we don't like each other.

As soon as I went back to my dorm room, she was also there. When is this gonna End? 😔
"The shareholders' meeting is next week, after that, you won't be able to do anything." She said.

"What're you even talking about anyway? It's not like YOU'RE gonna be CEO 🙄. You're just the vice chairman's daughter." I said.

"You're such an idiot. You really have no idea what's gonna happen do you? 😆" She laughed.

"Enlighten me."

"Since you're not willing to take over King Corp, it belongs to the people in the company themselves, with my dad being the new CEO, basically it's gonna belong to the Connors family. Everything that should have been yours, will belong to us. In short, you just sold your coward dad's company." She said and I think I literally stopped breathing.

"My dad is NOT a COWARD!" I snapped.

"Of course he is, he was cowardly enough to lie to his beloved daughter and now he's basically throwing all this problems to you. Tell me, do you even know your own parents? Are you sure you're even a King?" She grinned. She's really getting in my nerves now, I've never felt this feeling of wanting to strangle someone before.


"Whoa Valentine, this is the first time I've seen this side of yours. So this is your weakness." She said.

"You don't know me." My voiced cracked.

I know she's mean and annoying AND a handful but, I can't help but think those words are somehow true. I admit, she really got to me. Before anything else, I skipped the afternoon training and went home. It feels so painful to think about it to the point that I felt numb.

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