Chapter 28

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I changed Reno's character. Y'all better be satisfied 🙄😂

He slowly turned to me with the meanest look I've ever seen on his beautiful face. His long legs allowed him to take three short steps towards me until we were face to face. He leaned down to reach my height and then pushed me against the wall.

"I don't do relationships," he said very coldly. My heart dropped but my pride fell before my heart could reach my stomach. He resumed packing my bag.

"Why not?" I asked with an attitude to appear unbothered but I really am.

"Because, they're-" his sentence was cut off by gunshots. "Fuck!" He yelled then grabbed me and threw me on the floor behind the bed.

Freeze. Rewind to an ten minutes ago

"It's all my fault!" He punched into the wall. Rico is safe with Shay and Renee at the safe house. I'm heading there right now, I just had to make sure my baby is okay because I've been cramping.

Just as Dro's plan was about to go through with ending this feud, the orphan son shot at Dro's car as he was heading home.

"Calm down," I rubbed his back and he shrugged me off. "We're in this together, baby,"

"No! Stop loving me! If something happens to you and I know you died loving me, it will literally kill me," His face turned red. Sounds from the living room made me sigh. Tarzan and Reno are by his side throughout everything.

"Alessandro! Stop! I love you and this boy isn't going to kill me! Stick to the plan!" I yelled. He scoffed. "We're in a relationship, damn!"

He slowly turned to me with the meanest look I've ever seen on his beautiful face. His long legs allowed him to take three short steps towards me until we were face to face. He leaned down to reach my height and then pushed me against the wall.

"Fuck!" He yelled then grabbed me and threw me on the floor behind the bed. Tarzan bursted through the door.

"Grace! Let's go!" He yelled. My breathing started to get shallow, this is scary.

"Where?!" I yelled back at him. By now, Alessandro has left the room and has gone God knows where.

"You're going to see why they call me Tarzan," He said to me before opening the window and stepping out. The hell? I'm not jumping out of a two story house into a shoot out. What kind of crack is this man on? He's got me fucked up on every single level.

"No the hell I'm not," I crossed my arms and he sighed.

"Just hold on tight," He put my arms around him. I gripped onto his body and took one more glance back at Dro then Tarzan jumped. Are we in a tree? This man is really acting as if we're in the jungle. I held in my scream as I heard bullets fly past as we landed on the ground.

"Follow," He mouthed. He crept around the house with his gun out. We finally made it to what looks like an abandoned road and my feet are killing me along with my bandaged arm.

"I'm tired," I whined but he ignored me. He's on alert mode right now. My stomach started rumbling in the silence.

"I'm going to get you and your baby safe Grace, just be patient," He said to me without looking at me. He jumped into a nearby tree then nodded. "They can't see us from this end," Tarzan took my hand and began running.

When are we going to fight back? We were blindsided but they're just pussyfooting around right now. As we ran, my stomach cried out in hunger but I ignored it. Tarzan stopped running as a car approached.

"Get in!" Tarzan yelled at me. We both jumped in. "Right on time,"

"Yeah mon, always a go look out fi you," The driver laughed. I analyzed the side of his face but I have no idea who he is.

"Grace this is Ryan Smith," Tarzan exhaled. That's my brothers name. Now that I'm thinking about it, he looks just like him. This is not the time and place to have my father pop out of nowhere, so I'm just going to ignore it. My head is probably just playing around with me anyways.

The man kept looking at me in the mirror. I'm hoping he doesn't ask questions, and I'm also hoping I never see him again after today. I couldn't see out of the car windows and it bothered me because I need to at least see where I'm going to calm my nerves.

As I imagined holding my son in my hands, the car stopped suddenly. "Tarzan. We can't go to the safe house," Ryan Smith said.

"Why the fuck not?" Tarzan's English accent made that sound so much sweeter than it really was intended.

"Do you see those cars parked up?" Ryan Smith asked.

"What about them, Ryan?" Tarzan now has an attitude. "I'm getting antsy and we all know I hate being antsy,"

"Sir, they're waiting for me to drive past them. Then they're going to light this shit up," Ryan Smith said to Tarzan. Me saying his full name is just trying to get the name into my head to see if I remember if my mother has ever said my fathers name to me.

"How can you tell?" Tarzan reached for his waist.

"The symbol on each of the tires on the cars is the same. They use that tire company as their cover up," Ryan explained.

"Who is they?"

"Fitzpatrick. The ones that are killing us right now? That Irish, blonde fuck Ryan," Ryan now had an attitude and I looked at Tarzan's face then sighed.

"He killed Deena then his father tried to kill Dro's grandfather but failed. Dro then killed Ryan's dad and then Clara tried to kill Dro with the SUV incident but Dro ended up killing her. Now the boy is all alone and wants to kill Dro for it," I explained to them and they looked at me crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"How do you know all that?" Tarzan smirked.

"Dro made me get info out of Ryan at that charity event. I was with Dro when the SUV thing went down and he left over that argument between Ryan and wanting to kill Dro and me," The more I list, the more I realize that I've been around and with Dro for a long time even though it's been a short amount of time. I'm around him 24/7.

"The light just changed. What're you going to do?" Tarzan asked.

"Make a right then go back to where we came from and take this route that I found then switch cars. I'm sure no one knows the route," Ryan began driving and I feel like I'm in a movie. This is real life shit? Like I thought it was only movies.

Before I know it, I'm switching vehicles and we're on a old gravel path that is literally in the middle of nowhere. I agree with Ryan when he said no one would know this route. It took us forever to get to the street that we originally was going to turn on but when we got there, we got through safely. Ryan Smiths plan worked.

"When I park in the garage, a secret door will be behind the fridge. It'll automatically lock after you get in. Just go straight into the tunnel and follow it until you see stairs," Ryan Smith gave us instructions and we nodded. I'm sure Tarzan already knows all this.

"This is aimed more towards you, Grace," Tarzan nodded.

"I thought the door automatically locks," Tarzan will be with me the whole time so why do I need to know?

"A lot can happen while getting behind the fridge. Or I might need to go help Dro," Dro. I miss him so much right now. I hate being away from him in times like this.

"Okay," I said and Tarzan pulled me into his chest.

"Be strong, he needs it," Tarzan kissed my temple and led me towards where we needed to go. I really hope we start fighting back. I want to go back to being happy.

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