pronouns #1

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I literally call everyone they until they correct me. Or if I know them well enough to be positive on their gender. Why can't everyone do this? I don't want to be called "she" anymore. I want my parents to stop calling me their daughter. I don't want to be the sister. I'm a he. I'm their son. I'm her brother. I want my family to stop misgendering me. My sister has said to my face "You can't change your gender (Deadname)" I felt sick to my stomach knowing my own sister would say this to me. My gender is whatever I say it is and you don't get to tell me otherwise. You are a twelve year old kid who knows nothing!!! You can't tell me who I am I spent years figuring that out and a child doesn't get to tell me I'm wrong. Well I had a point but I kinda ranted so here it is.

You don't know who's pre mid or post transition you don't know what pronouns anyone around you uses. Stop assuming and just say they/them. Worst that happens is someone corrects you. You will probably cause trans people way less disphoria this way and you know what? If you are uncomfortable using they/them say "Hi I'm Carter I use he/him pronouns" it might be a little awkward but it's better than being called by the wrong pronouns all the time. But the best solution is to just use gender neutral pronouns as much as possible. Thank you goodbye

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