Writer Win #1

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Th satisfaction of the first vote/follow/comment on any chapter/story/account and just that happy little feeling that you wrote something someone out there reads and likes. That maybe you made their day a little better with simple words on a page. Maybe they will even be inspired to make something of their own and spread the joy to others and create something amazing. Or maybe you just brought a smile to someones face or made them laugh at a joke. Whatever the possibilities that little click means the world to writers. It means we did our job well, a job we love to do and brings us so much joy. A job that tells us we made people happy simply by one little click.

So to those of you who think clicking a little button saying "Vote" with a star is pointless. Remember it brings so much joy to the face of writers. I know I love it so much when a new person votes on my works because it means I made you guys happy. That's the goal after all. At least for me I can't speak for all writers but that little button click makes my day.

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