Three Types of Hunters

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"What about Jerica? And why's Ivie different than us?" Lena questions, shifting her weight to her left foot to be more comfortable, but seeing that it doesn't work, it's the situation that's really bugging Lena.

"I'm not sure about Jerica. And I won't know what's up with Ivie until someone tells me what's going on with her." Mrs. Sterling says, giving Lena a pointed look.

Lena sighs, rubbing at her temple to try and soothe the headache building there. This conversation may be a bit harder than Lena thought it would be.


Lucas wakes up again in darkness, unable to see much without using his werewolf eyes.

Lucas' stomach tenses up and swirls anxiously, awaiting the full moon that's coming up. Tonight.

Lucas wonders if the hunters will kill him before then. But if they don't and they only continue torturing him, Lucas could make it to the full moon, then go out of control. Is that what Lucas wants? To go out of control and hurt people?

That isn't what Lucas wants. He just has to sit and hope that the hunters will let him go or someone will find and rescue him.

The possibility of the hunters letting him go shrinks when the boss comes back in.

"I have a few questions for you." He tells Lucas.

"Oh yeah? I'm surprised you didn't promise to let me go if I answered correctly." Lucas replies, thinking of the movies with kidnapping situations kind of like this. Except without vampires and werewolves.

The boss laughs loudly. "That's a good one! You're not getting out of here unless it's in a body bag, or in a box of your ashes." He says, confirming Lucas' suspicion that he wouldn't be allowed to go.

"But I'm not a vampire. I've proved that to you in every way!" Lucas argues.

"Nope. There's still one way left. But before we do that, I'm going to ask some questions. If you answer them to my satisfaction, you won't be hurt." The boss says, pulling out a knife from behind his back. "Got it?"

Lucas nods his head reluctantly. There's nothing else Lucas could do. He doesn't have a choice here.

"Now you know who we were really searching for, right? It's who you were supposed to be." The boss hints.

Lucas immediately thinks of Adrian, but he's not about to sell Adrian out. "You were looking for a vampire."

"Not just any vampire, the rarest type of vampire. You know what I'm talking about. I know you do." The boss says while Lucas does his best to look like he doesn't know a thing. But what kind of emotion is used in this situation? Confused? Blank? Innocent?

"No sir, I don't-" The boss slashes the knife across Lucas' face to stop his words. Lucas barely turns his head in time, so the blade catches his cheek instead of his nose or eyes.

Lucas hisses out in pain from the sharp burning that spreads through his cheek. "That was hardly a scratch! Now tell the truth." The boss commands.

Lucas clenches his fingers into fists as his claws try to emerge. "What's that?" The boss questions, noticing Lucas moving his hands.

The Secrets of CainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora