Yours truly, Jay

Dear Abby,

It's been 3 days and I still haven't gotten a reply. Why don't you want to talk to me? I'm still unsure if you got my last two letters, please tell me if you have.
So I got fired from my job, they found the missing tape. I got a call from the store owner, my boss, at 6 am on Monday and was told to come in immediately. They were having a mandatory all staff meeting. When I got there, all of the staff was gathered around a small table with the owner at the head of it. Once everyone had arrived he told us that apparently there had been a minor robbery yesterday, they'd had about 200$ worth of stuff taken from them. And the one tape that would have shown who was the culprit was the one I had taken... Just my luck. He told us that no one was going to leave the room until someone confessed. After a few minutes, I finally gave in. I told him everything, about how I felt as if me and you had had some kind of connection. After explaining the whole story, the entire room was staring wide eyed at me. After I finished, I sat there in silence for several seconds. Suddenly, the store owner broke the tension. "Jay, you're fired. Get out of here now and don't come back," He said.
I did as I was told and got out of there as fast as I could. That stupid prick, he's always treated me like shit. He's been on my case since the day I got the job, I swear he's just been waiting for me to do one little thing that could justify firing me. And the one time I slip up he finds out. Why didn't he understand though? Doesn't he get that you and I are meant for each other? Any rational man would have understood, anyone put in my situation would have done that, right?
I've been searching you up a lot lately, with no job I have all the time in the world to spend learning about you. Do you know how much you can find out about someone with just a first name and a town of residence? I found out your last name's Marrot... What a beautiful name, Abby Marrot. I can't help but say it aloud whenever I think about you. I also found out you're 24, and you only live a mile away from me. I drove down to your apartment complex today, it looks very nice, much nicer than where I live. I asked to see you multiple times, but I was told that you weren't there every time. I felt more and more discouraged every time, but I was determined to see you again.
After a few hours of asking, I decided to stay back in the parking lot for a while waiting for you to come back, and after many hours of waiting you did. It was late at night, around 10 I believe. I saw you pull up in your car and get out. I felt a sudden rush of warmth at seeing your face again, I know I have the security camera tape to look at, but it doesn't compare to seeing you in real life. I made sure to record it for later when I was at home, this time with a much higher quality camera. I wanted to capture as much detail as possible, I didn't know the next time I would see you and the security tape wasn't enough for me anymore.
I asked the woman at the front desk multiple times what your room number was, but she refused to tell me. She thought I was some sort of creep, see Abby, these people don't understand us, they don't understand what we feel for each other. I ended up waiting in the parking lot a little while longer until someone came out. After talking to him for a bit, he told me what your apartment number was. He didn't want to talk at first, but I made him... You'd be surprised what you can make people tell you when you're holding a knife to their chest. Don't worry, I didn't hurt him too bad, but we can't have someone interfering with us. Don't you agree Abby? I'm sick of all these people trying to keep us apart.
I ended up watching you from the parking lot for a while, once I found out your room number and how the rooms in this complex were organized it wasn't hard to locate it. You should be more careful about shutting your blinds you know, I was easily able to watch you from the parking lot.
I can't get you out of my head anymore, ever. All I do is watch that video I took of you over and over. Abby, I want to be with you forever. I want to wake up in the morning to see you next to me in bed.
I cannot wait until the next time I see you again.

Love, Jay

Dear Abby,

I have some really exciting news Abby, I'm moving in with you! Aren't you excited? We can spend hours and hours and hours together, it'll be just perfect.
Let me explain, my job paid just enough so I could make rent and pay for food every week. Because of this, I had little to no money in savings, no where near enough to last a very long time. When you take that money flow away it doesn't take very much time until you have nothing left. I was able to get by for a few days, but just today I got evicted. This could actually be better then I had originally thought, I wouldn't be surprised if that guy that gave me your room number has been able to contact the police by now. This way they won't be able to find me, and we get to spend all the time in the world together. It's perfect isn't it? I made sure to bring all my tapes and photos I've taken with me though, and my cameras of course.
You should really tell who ever's managing your apartment complex to get better staff, I was able to get by security easily. I went up to your room and knocked on the door, but I got no answer, so I decided to get in by other means. After scanning the footage I took from last night over a few times I noticed that you have a ventilation shaft in the corner of your room, not surprising considering how hot it can get in the summer here. I figured there had to be some kind of maintenance hatch that I could get in through. After a few minutes of looking around, I found a door at the end of your hall that seemed to be some kind of staff room, and luckily there was a way into the vents there.
I crawled through them until I got to your room, it was very cramped and hard to move around in, but I managed. When I got there though, I felt a rush of success. I figured since the lights were out and I couldn't see you that you weren't home, but I'm patient. I scanned every part of your room, trying to memorize all the intricate details. Your scent over-whelmed me as I sat there, I had caught it briefly during the two times I saw you at the store, but never this strong. It was mesmerizing, I couldn't quite place my finger on it but it reminded me of something, it was almost like peaches. I sat there hunched over for a few hours, though I've taught myself to be extremely patient. I can sit completely motionless for hours at a time, not moving a muscle, no one was going to notice me.
Then, you finally got home. I felt a wide smile form on my face the second I heard the door open. There you were, my love. Of course you took no notice to my presence, the light in your room seemed to be angled perfectly so you couldn't see anything in the vent after the first few inches. I tried to contain my excitement, but I started breathing very heavily. I tried to cover it up as best I could, but it was hard... You suddenly looked right at the vent. I went completely silent. After a few seconds though you seemed to lose interest, this made me smile. This was the perfect spot.
I could tell I had startled you though, all throughout the night you were turning over in your sleep to look at the vent. People seem to have a of sense for when they're being watched, it can send them into complete panic. Don't try to fake it Abby, I can tell when someone's awake, when someone's truly scared sleep becomes impossible. Why are you so scared anyways? It's just me, why would I scare you? You do love me, right? You know I love you.
I'm looking forward to spending every day with you now Abby, write back if you can.

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