"How are the classes going?" David asked me as I sat in the sofa next to him.

"They are challenging. And we start exams in a month or so."

He opened his arms and I crawled into the space he made for me in the sofa, resting my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure you'll do great as always. You'll stress about it but in the end you'll pull through." He told me once I settled next to him.

I smiled even though he couldn't see my face. It was great that he came home when he did, because it was always better with him around. When I was stressed about my Masters Degree, he was always there to help me. Even with assignments. I was doing a degree in Business and David argued that helping me do well was an investment into his future as well, because I would be his business consultant and help get him a boatload of money.

For now I wasn't getting payed nowhere near David's salary but I was lucky enough to score a partial scholarship that covered my tuition. I had Mr. Jones and Scolari's excellent recommendation letters to thank for that.

"So, how was your trip?" I asked him. He was gone from home for almost two weeks because he had a few away games back to back.

"Business as usual. We kicked ass." He said as his phone rang with a text message. "It's Lauren." He told me.

"Lauren ha?" I winked at him.

Lauren was doing the same master as me and she and David met one day before he left for his trip when she came to our house to study. They took a liking to each other quickly.

"Yeah, she's welcoming me home. We texted a couple of times."

"That's great David!" I exclaimed and he rolled his eyes at my excitement.

"We'll see where it goes." He told me. "Don't get your hopes up yet."

"It's true that you had a bad couple of relationships but doesn't everyone?" I asked him and my mind flashed back to some familiar, hurtful memory.

David must have understood because he didn't say anything and we stayed like that for a few minutes, until my phone rang.

"Hey Mikey." I said when I saw my brother's name on my screen. "Yeap, he's back. Yes, like we said. I can't wait too. Give Marina a kiss from me." I said before I hanged up the phone.

"I still can't believe your brother and Marina are together." David commented.

"Me neither sometimes. And to think the hell he gave me for dating his best friend. He didn't speak to me for months." I had told David about James soon after I came in France. They were both some of the most important people in my life and I didn't want James to be a secret anymore.

David chuckled. "Sometimes I miss it. How things were back then in Granja Comary."

"I know what you mean. I do too. I miss the people, I miss the place. I miss the fact that this particular group of people will never be in the same place again. But you will go back, next year." I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, but it's not gonna be like before. It will be great again, for sure, but not the same. I mean, I even miss Peter sometimes! Where is this guy anyway?"

"Last I heard from Alex he was doing his PhD in Berkeley. That's impressive."

"You'd rather be doing the same?" David asked me.

"I wouldn't give up football again for anything. Or anyone. But I am sure I will get my PhD and force you to call me doctor at some point!"

"That's never going to happen." David said, rolling his eyes at me.

Dark Moves Of Love ~ Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now