I was met with my mum looking at me a little shocked that I was actually there. She had a bowl of cereal in front of her but stopped eating when she saw me. She quickly raced to make another bowl of cereal for me. She placed it in front of me and watched me, while still eating her food. No words were being said, but that was made up in looks exchanged. I took a spoon full of the Fruit Loops and pulled it to my mouth. I closed my eyes and shoved the spoon in my mouth trying not to gag at the taste of the food. I chewed quickly and swallowed waiting a few seconds to see if I will actually keep it down. After I was sure it would stay down or now, I took another few spoons of the food to my mouth. I poured myself a cup of water glugged that down quickly before smiling my mum and running upstairs to get ready for school.

I went into my bathroom and stripped out of my clothes. I pulled the bandages off my arms carefully and saw small scars forming over my cuts. Some still had traces of blood around them and mostly they were all better. I avoided looking into the mirror because I know if I do I will hate what I see. I started my shower, hopping in once it was at the right temperature. A few minutes into the shower and I suddenly felt my stomach turn. I dropped to my knee from the pain that this shot through my body and started to heave. I stuck my fingers down my throat to speed up the process and just like that the contents that I had just consumed were all over the shower floor. I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth, washed out my hair and over my body. Once I was finished I hopped out and dried myself off. I walked into my wardrobe and debated on what to wear to school today. I decided on pink and black vans, with black skinny jeans, a white undershirt and a pink button-up sweater. I quickly styled my hair and packed my bag for school.

I met my mum downstairs and she drove me to school, since my car was still there. I will take it home this afternoon. The drive was mostly silent apart from a little small talk. My mum pulled into the school parking lot and got out to watch me walk into the school. She said she wanted to make sure I was safe. I walked through the front doors and instantly felt eyes burning into me again. I dropped my head and made way to my locker trying to block out all of the mean insults that were being thrown at me.

"Ew the gayboy is back."

"I thought Jason killed him hahaha."

"Does he think he looks good or something? He looks like filth, why bother dressing up fag."


They were just a few I managed to hear on my way to my locker. I opened my locker and got out my book for the first class. I shut the door and froze when I saw Ryan and Chaz walking my way, and you know what that means. I just stood still in my place preparing for the oncoming pain. I looked up after a few moments of nothing being said or happening. The two of them stood in front of me with sour smirks on their faces. Ryan pushed me back against the locker, my heading bouncing off and sending pain through my brain. He pinned up against in leaning in so his face was next to mine.

"Jason might not be coming here anymore, but that doesn't mean the fun can't continue." He whispered against my ear. He punched me in the gut causing me to slide down the locked a little. Chaz walked up and kneed me in the leg causing me to lose my balance.

"We'll see you real soon fag," Chaz spoke harshly before they both turned and walked away laughing. The bell for the first lesson buzzed and everyone began to make way for their classes. I used the locker to get back to my feet and regain myself.


I sat alone in lunchroom, in the same spot where Jason had broken me last week. Ryan and Chaz were seated in their usual spot, both death staring me. What did they mean that Jason isn't coming here anymore? Did he leave school or what? I wanted to know what had happened in my week absence, but there was no chance in heck that I was asking. I was looking down at the empty table playing with my fingers when I felt a tap on my back. I froze with the immediate thought that Jason was behind me. I turned around slowly with my eyes closed. Moments passed with nothing happening. I got confused and opened my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and confusion was evident on my face.

"Hey Justin."


Hello!!! How are you all?!? #3

OMG thank you so much for all of the suggestions and feedback on the last chapter. You are honestly all amazing people.

Thanks to everyone who is voting, commenting and reading. It means so much to me. 

Hope you like the chapter :D let me know what you think. Plus who is it o.0

I want to get to know you :D

Until next time, farewell <3

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