Big Happy Family

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Nine Years Later

•bre: babe let's go dance
Hayley: okay baby
I'm glad jr is having a good time in the pool.
bre: I'm so glad you found us
Hayley: I Know, you tell me everyday.
Monte: can you go give me a beer
kia: yeah sure, go change your daughter then
monte: you Know it's okay I can go get it..
kia: it works Everytime
Lin: when did mina and Mike start dating?
marcus: for a week or so
lin: I'm glad she's happy
marcus: where is Lizzy?
lin: she over there with aunty ana
mike: you look beautiful
mina: you look handsome.
mike: I can't wait to get you all alone..
mina: you so nasty.
Ava: aunt mina? Can you come on the bouncy house with me.
mina: why cant mommy do it.
mike: just go with her already.
Ava: mommy? Aunt mina is jumping with me.
Me: okay baby be safe
Mina: I will.
me: I'm talking about ava..
  *Cling Cling*
Me: I would like to make a toast..
Everyone got quite..
Me: to my husband, my beautiful daughter, my nieces and my girls, we been through hell these past years​ but I just want to say i love my girls to death Mina, Kia, Lin, naj and Hayley. I'm glad we all have each other And make sure you throw your trash away..
Everyone stared laughing and clapping
vonte: that was beautiful wife.
me: thank you husband.
me: this family reunion couldn't bring us closer. Look my girls.. they look so happy all grown up and now they all have they own little family's.
vonte: that was y'all problem you guys are great together y'all just couldn't get it together. And these past years for you and your girls have been great.
me: if it wasn't for you and them I wouldn't be who I am today..
I go over to talk to my girls
me: mom can you take us a picture?
mom: sure say cheese...
naj: this is nice
lin: everyone's having a good time.
Hayley​: we're getting along
mina: we're unstable
me: I love you guys
kia: we love you too...


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