Chapter 3: Blast to the Past

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Trigger Warning: Backstories, typically sad.

Jess's P.O.V
I ran with Ellie and Arrow beside me and the sign in my hands. Normal signs' words disappear when picked up, but even with this one not placed, the haunting words were still carved into it. I saw everyone up ahead and ran faster yelling "Guys!" They turned to see us three running to them. When we reached them we stopped to catch our breath.
"You ok Jess?" They all looked happy we were okay, for the most part. I shoved the sign into Petra's arms and she read the words it bore. Her eyes widened and she let the others read it. When they too read it, their eyes widened as well.
"Well, that's just great!" Damian hissed. "Now we have no home or shelter or anything." I looked at the others and brought the Order of the Stone aside.
"Should we bring them to our world?" Olivia voiced my thoughts. "I'm sure I can trust my brother but maybe not his friends, Jesse is much too trusting." "Maybe," Ivor said, "we should get a little more information on them. That way we'll be able to put one and two together." I nodded in agreement. "I can take Melody and Ellie," I said. "I'll take Staza and Echo," Lukas offered. "I take Jay," Axel said. "I can take Amanda and Arrow," Olivia said. "And I can take Shadow and Damian," Emily said. I nodded before Petra said, "I can talk to your brother, you know just incase." "Thanks." Louder, I said to the others "We could head back to where we found you before, we could go to our home world." They nodded before we started walking towards the portals. With a nod of my head, we split and went to the people we chose who were already walking together.
"So," I said joining Melody and Ellie, "now that you know stuff about me, how about you tell me something about yourself." They looked at each other before Ellie started to tell her backstory:
"I had my mother, father and older sister, Daisy. We all lived together and I had just turned 10, it was my birthday, when someone knocked on our door. My dad went to the door right as someone broke it down. He jumped them and yelled for us to get to safety. So the three of us ran and my mom dropped the attic stairs down and had us go first before she ran behind us and closed it. Me and Daisy hid while mom watched through a hidden window and saw we were surrounded. But not by other people, by ghasts and creepers and zombies here and there. And in the middle of it stood Entity, telling us to give up and we wouldn't be hurt, but we couldn't cause my mom always said 'sometimes the only option isn't a good option.' So I stayed there with Daisy, until mom gasped and Daisy ran over, they both got hit a with a fireball from the ghast because Entity spotted her. Entity had one of his stupid ghasts lift him up and he saw me, scared and trembling because my whole family was dead. He brought me with him and experimented with me. I was so scared till a year later I met the others. And we've been each other's family ever since." "Oh!" I exclaimed, feeling sorry for her. "I'm sorry to hear that. But at least you have each other right?" "Ya, I guess there's that." Melody sighed, "My turn. I had a younger brother named Connor. We always got along and we lived with just our mom because we have different dads and both were idiots. But one day, my dad showed up. He was yelling and since I was only 6 and Connor was 3, we were scared to death. We ran, but he caught us. He killed mom and he took us with him, and abused us by practicing mob fighting on us. I made him give me the worst of the blows so Connor wouldn't be hurt, he was the only one I would consider family. One day, there was a knock on the door. I couldn't contain my cries because my dad had just punched me hard in the stomach. And he hit me harder and harder every time I cried, till the door swung open and my savior killed my dad." I widened my eyes slightly. "Was it Entity who saved you?" I asked.
"No, I never got his name but Connor and I were forever grateful and we never saw him again. That was until Entity found us and wanted to use us for experiments. I was running, Connor in my arms. When I saw him, I ran to him and said, 'please take care of him and make him strong, let him have a good childhood.' I gave Connor one last hug and took off running again. I haven't seen either of them since." Melody had a few tears going down her face. It was then I noticed the others all heard.
"We uh, never knew that about you guys," Damian said, looking down. "It's ok, besides, we're all friends here right?" Jesse nodded. Damian sighed before he started to speak.
"I never knew my dad, but me and my mom, the only way we could get gold and coal, enough to provide for us, we had to sell some of our food, until one time, one of the adults that had passed along stopped and looked at our food and he took a few slices of melon without paying. My mom was mad and ran after him, but he brought out his diamond sword, and he killed her. I got as much food from our little shop as possible, before taking off back to our home. It wasn't a nice one, but we could never go mining or hunting. I stayed there and tended to the gardens. Until Entity found me. He acted nice at first, he said that he could give me a home, and food and much more, I was stupid enough to go with him. When we got there he grabbed me and dragged me in. I yelled and did everything I could. But, he had a bunny that was, really off. Entity loved that thing to pieces for some reason so I tried to tempt it closer to use it as a barter, but, it bit my arms and they turned purple. I didn't even know that it was possible for a rabbit to do that. Entity finally had come, and when he saw my arms, he chopped them off and gave me robotic arms." He rolled up his sleeves and removed his gloves that he always wore. And indeed his arms were robot arms still acting the way normal ones would. "Entity taught me how to give the arms the same commands, till all I had to do was think of a command and they would do it. And one day the experiments started, but it affected the arms differently. They zapped back at me with the amount of electricity zapping through my body, and I found, I could read minds. It wasn't long after he introduced us to each other and, ya." Everyone was silent for a moment before Amanda gave him a brief hug then started to talk.
"I had my mom and my three annoying brothers who loved to prank the people in our village. Th ere was alot of people visiting this one day that my brothers were pranking and they dumped water over Entity. He got so mad he summoned a blaze and lit the village when he spotted me. He said to me 'aren't you related to those stupid boys?' I nodded while backing away, hoping to be able to make a run for it, before he wrapped his hand around my throat and prevented me from running. 'And where do you think your going' I remember him saying. He brought me back to his place, experimented on me, I met you guys and that's what happened to me." I patted her should and gave her a warm smile. She returned it before Jay spoke. "I just lived with my mom and dad and I had no siblings. My parents, they were djs for the parties that happened alot were I live. One party though, someone set tnt to egnite when the music started playing. Entity took any survivors but I was the only one that survived his stupid experiments. The rest you all know." We all gave a small, sad nod and turned to look at Shadow, Staza, Arrow, and Echo, they were the only ones left. Shadow seemed to think for a minute the shake his head.
"I had five brothers," He started. "We never knew our parents because we were born one year after the other, all we had was each other. One day, we decided to go mining when we found lava, we were extremely careful until I found diamonds and there was a lot of them, we all got five each. But what we didn't know is that those were Entity's and he was waiting for people to find them. He followed us to our house and waited till we left then tnted it. When we returned, there was nothing left. He then captured us and he found me most useful, he killed the others and, well I got experimented on and met the others." We nodded again before a arrow was shot at Arrow. We whipped around to see a skeleton under a tree. Fast as lightning, Arrow whipped out his bow and let the arrow fly through the air, killing the skeleton instantly. We continued to walk when we spotted the portal. We walked a little faster before Arrow spoke. "My parents were the archery champions. They could shoot as far as me and much more. I remember them watching me shoot one day and we had cake for dinner that night to celebrate me being as good as them in archery. But suddenly, the house burst into flames, and without warning the flames got my parents. They yelled for me to run and I did, I ran through the back door that exploded in fire when I ran out of it. And there was Entity watching me escape the fire. He grabbed me and dragged me to his house. Because I had my parents special bow, I shot an arrow at Entity. It caught fire and it burnt his skin. He punched me and then started the experiments, except, I'm sure they were extra painful." "Probably," Ivor said. "I read a book not too long ago and it was about Entity. It said he shows no mercy." "Well, that's nice." Petra said sarcastically. Staza looked at Echo, then us, then the ground. "I can't remember anything before the experiments, you guys are my only family," is all he said. Echo then saw all of us staring at him. He gave a small groan before he told his story.
"I had a big family. I lived with my parents, my two brothers and three sisters, my aunt, my uncle, and my cousins. It was normal family dinner time, but this time, someone holding a grudge against my father poisoned the melon. I was 'lucky' enough to survive because I hadn't started eating yet. I lived there best I could on my own, living off what food that was still good. Until I one day heard a noise. It was my youngest brother, he was still alive! We shared food and did everything together. Then Entity found us. He kept us together since we were brothers, but one day, I woke up to see he took him away. I assume that he killed him, or he just kept my brother there to let him go insane. It was a week or so before I got introduced to the others and ya." We nodded and reached the portal entering it. I quickly brought out the Atlas and quizzed it on which portal went to our world. The bright rainbow light shot out and led us to a wooden portal with gold on the top and spider eye red in the middle. We entered and saw the temple before walking out. But, a few trees had no leaves on them. Weird, I thought. We kept walking till we were a few blocks from the town. I sent the Order on ahead and told our new friends "brace yourself." Though I'm sure they had no idea why, they did and followed me to the outskirts of town where the Order waited refusing to go on without me. We walked through the heart of the town hoping not to get spotted before we heard someone yell "Our heroes are back!" So much for stealth.
"Here's where you find why you need to brace yourself." I said. Within seconds, probably the whole town came running to stand on the sides of where we walked cheering "Our heroes are back! Our heroes are back!" Jesse and his friends looked surprised at how they addressed us. Jesse walked a little faster to keep pace with me and whispered to me "Which adventure of yours made them start doing this?" "Witherstorm, it was unleashed here." He nodded still in a daze. After we finally got past the crowd, we walked to the Order's temple. If it was even possible, Jesse and our new friends looked even more amazed at the sight of it. We entered and they asked if they could explore. When I said 'yes' reluctantly, Lukas said he would show them around mu ch to my thanks.

Lukas's P.O.V
I led them to where our rooms were, there were some extra rooms.
"You can all choose a room to stay in, but some of you might need to share." They all nodded and split apart to find a room to stay in. I noticed Jesse slipped away to stand beside me. "I should be able to bunk with Jess right?" I nodded at his answer before his next question caught me off guard."So, about you and my sister..."

So I know I haven't updated as much but here's chapter three. Hehe, where do you think Jesse's going with the 'about you and my sister?' Anyway, I'll try to update more and stop being a lazy little fox. Till then have a good day!

-Unkn0wn Foxie

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