Destruction - Chapter 29 - Home.

Beginne am Anfang

I get put in a car and we drive to the arena, still no sign of Harry, I'm desperate to have his arm to cling onto I think I'm having withdrawl problems, I laugh and shake my head, I haven't even seen the girls yet today, or my parents, my parents, the words ring in my ears, I haven't spoken those words in years and when I did it was to tell all the new people I knew that they were dead, but they're not and they're coming home with us, I'm going to see Ox, his little face and scruffy hair he's who I've missed most of all and I can introduce him to Harry, I know he'll love Harry. 

I'm soon in a room back stage, Maisie's there too, she looks a vision in a long silver dress we embrace for ages, I haven't seen her since the arena and she's said her and her parents will come and visit all the time, but I doubt that can happen, it's not as easy to come and go into districts and we both know that. 

I suddenly see Jonas' head appear at the door, He ushers me out into the empty corridor where Harry is, he has a bright red suit and ruby studded bow tie I run to him as quick as I can in my heels and he pulls me into his arms kissing the top of my head. 

"Alright you two we're not sending you back into the arena, listen up" He says, Harry takes my hand with his perfectly warm one.

"Snow sent you in because he wanted you dead, we got you out because of Louis' uncle, don't act shocked ,although you must be, because we're on cctv, he shut down the force field, anyway you obviously didn't die so just be aware he's not happy okay ? he will find a way to break you two apart he see's you as trouble, you'll both be moving to 12 right ? so interdistrict communications will be eliminated, this means anybody who you love and still want to see will have to move to 12 too, but that can be arranged, just act innocent and loved up and like you want to get married" He says. 

"We do" says Harry, I look at him and raise my eyebrows and he laughs. 

"Oh and you're on in 2" He says, Harry pulls me by the hand as Jonas goes to get Maisie.

Harry p.o.v

I hear the crowd as we stand in the wings Maisie is next to Flora, I hear Ceaser Flickerman introduce us there's a coundown 3..2..1 and we're walking onto the stage, the crowd is deafening, Maisie isn't on yet and is having a seperate interveiw from us. 

"Ohhh look who it is!" shouts Ceaser as the crowd settles.

"Well just over one month ago we were saying what an unfortunate peice of luck it was you were in there together, what with your hidden past, but then your luck turned in a radical way!" He exclaims and the crowd cheers. 

"Yeah, it was mad, we still don't even know what happened" I laugh.

"Well I don't think many people do but put it this way, you were incredibly lucky and I'm sure the technical team will be extra wary in the future games, because let's say people he came to a sticky end" Laughs Ceaser and the crowd laughs, how can they laugh at that, I can guarentee more than one person on the technical team died to pay for that, and it wasn't their mistake it was to get us out. 

"Well I must say you two are looking brilliant today! you match even down to your hair!" the crowd laughs again and I look at Flora's ringlets and smile. 

"So... we actually have prepared a little something for you, want to know what it is ? well I can tell you! it is the love story of Flora and Harry!" there's clapping and loud cheers again as a video is played, right from the minuete we met on the train of course they didn't see the bit when she realised she knew me, then it's when I was unwillingly staring at her in her catsuit, I know I'm grinning at that replay, then when I confessed I loved her in my interveiw, and all through the arena our king bed conversation right to the end where we kill Ade and I pick her up, then it cuts off, I look at Flora and she's silent but she looks happy even though her eyes are shining with tears. 

"Wasn't it beautiful everyone! We'll be returning to those moments in detail later when we watch the highlights!" He says there yet again cheering. 

"Well I must say you are very popular as a couple but while you were in there bets weren't high, because we thought you might die together Romeo and Juliet styles did we not people, did you ever contemplate that ?" He asks, but he seems to be looking at Flora as she hasn't said anything. 

"I think.. we were just waiting for the moment, we didn't really talk about it at all we were just going to go with our hearts when it got to the right point" she says, I probably couldn't have said it better myself. 

"Ah that's very romantic well it worked didn't it!" He laughs looking at the crowd. 

"Unfortunately we're out of time, but we'll have a chance for a chat again when they return to watch the highlights, but next up we have our third victor Career Miss Maisie!" He says as the crowd cheer. 

"Goodbye you two we'll be looking forward to our very first victors wedding!" he waves us off cheerily and Flora hugs Maisie quickly as we pass.

* 4 days later *

After stopping off at 4 Flora meets my mum and dad, and overall my district , we drop off the boys and it's arranged for them and my family to be moved to 12 soon, I pack my few belongings and say goodbye to my mum and dad but this time I'm happy, I'll be seeing them soon.

We're in the car and it parks round the corner from the square in 12 I hold tight to Flora, this is completely unfamilliar to me. 

We arrive in the square and a huge cheer erupts, Flora's crying already there must be so many faces she knows, her parents I know have already been reunited with Ox, but as the crowds clear the little ginger boy fights his way to the front he's a blur as he runs straight towards Flora, she breaks her hold on me as she scoops him up sobbing onto his shoulder. When we get through the rush Flora pulls me to the side as everyone clears. 

"So this is my home" she says as she looks across the now empty square in the twilight. 

"No this is our home" I whisper wrapping my arms round her waist kissing her softly and not breaking until the square is only lit buy street lamps.

This is where I want to stay. 



Well that's the end, I've actually pretty much planned the sequel already! I might even start tommorow if you're lucky ;) well I hope you've enjoyed it and Flora & Harry will be back soon wooooo. keep voting for the story if you want more! 


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