t h i r t y

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To: EWritingBlogs@cg.com
Subject: Hello again

Sorry to bother you again, but I just thought I'd let you know that you have another troll on your blog (haha). It's another dude saying all sorts of things, and he reminds me about how I used to be. I've been reformed. Don't worry, I think I've put him in his place. He shouldn't keep trolling you.

Oh, now I feel stupid. You've probably already seen the comments. What am I thinking? Anyway, just decided to stop by again. Actually, I'm just currently very bored. My work has finally slowed. I have no big plans until my new client comes. That meeting isn't for another few days.

I really honestly don't know why I'm still rambling. I guess I'll sign off. I hope everything is good. Well, of course it is. You're currently working on your clothing line with the designer in NYC. Why wouldn't everything be going well?

Okay, I'm stopping now,

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