t w e n t y - s i x

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To: DanielY@cg.com
Subject: I ramble too

I think I have writer's block or something. I seriously can't focus long enough to write something that's good for my blog. Right now is where I would appreciate a writing prompt or advice. I should be able to write after such good meeting in New York City, but I just can't seem to write anything down.

In regards to writing down things that you send even though you can just erase them, I'm in the same boat. I think it really is something about them that makes it feel like it's a face-to-face conversation rather than just a generic email. I think it adds personality to the email. Can emails have personalities?

I'm glad that you can enjoy these emails. I enjoy them, especially when I can't think of anything to write, and I can just rant to clear my head. I'm appreciative that you actually read my long rambling emails. It must be like torture for you to read through all of my ramblings.

Do you find that I ramble a lot? I've been told that I do. I don't know if I do or not though. I mean, I'm definitely rambling now, but do I ramble in my blog posts? Maybe I do. I don't really know. I would love some insight from you.

Oh, and you have drama with your neighbor? I have a lot of drama with my neighbor too! He just annoys me, and he seems to think he rules the world or something. I don't know why, but we've never really like each other.

Wait a second. I do know why we don't like each other, or at least I know why I don't like him. He was the one who told me that I wasn't useful for anything. Well, can you tell I'm bitter? Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble.

Email you later,

P.S. I know that ending was lame. I'm still trying to come up with the right why to end my emails. Okay, I'm done rambling. Bye!

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